Why The U.S Embassy In Israel Was Moved: Going ‘Nose To Nose With A Con Man’
The Jerusalem story is the centerpiece of news this week. Donald Trump and Mike Pence, an evangelical, in favor of moving the embassy and Rex Tillerson and John Mattis opposed in their discussion prior to the announcement. That State and Defense departments both found the move detrimental to U.S. interests underlines how politics trump sound policy.
Mr. Trump is trying to wrap up his evangelical constituency ahead of the 2018 and 2020 elections. Of course it was an unconditional gift for Netanyahu, in desperate need of any success as his criminal investigation for financial corruption approaches a climax. Domestic concerns remain in the present while deliverables for Palestinians are in the future … a distant future.
It was also a gift for the Iranians and a slap for the Saudis, who have been moving closer to Israel. Turkey has now stepped up to take the leadership role for the Muslim community. Mr. Erdogan has threatened to cut off diplomatic relations with Israel; he has also called for a meeting of Muslim leaders next week in Istanbul.
Not just the Saudis, other staunch mideast U.S. allies like Jordan and Egypt have been undermined. Al-Azhar the claimed arbiter of Sunni Moslem teachings, said the action will open the gates of hell. Even the Orthodox church in Egypt condemned it as violating international laws and agreements.
The West Bank erupted in demonstrations and burning of the U.S. flag and effigies of President Trump. Palestinians leaders both Muslim and Christian (Mahmoud Abbas and Hanan Ashrawi) spoke out against it. An interesting dynamic when evangelical Christians appear to favor Israel over fellow Christians in Palestine. But the alliance is one of temporary convenience.
Evangelicals believe in the ‘rapture’ when they will be taken to heaven. For that to happen the Messiah must return to earth, which requires the necessary condition of Jews controlling all of Israel, especially Jerusalem. However, rapture includes only those who accept Jesus as their savior. The rest, including Jews, are cast into the other place.
Trump’s only support lies with right-wing Israelis; the rest including the UN, the EU, UK, Russia, China, India, and the Muslim world from Africa to Indonesia are opposed to the gesture — a hollow one in the face of reality.
Not at all the undivided capital of Israel, Jerusalem has 220,000 Palestinians in the historic East where all the iconic religious places are located. These Palestinians have no vote, their land is occupied territory, and the U.S. has now therefore contravened international law and the Oslo Accords through an implicit assumption of Israeli suzerainty. The fact remains, Israelis seldom venture into East Jerusalem and Palestinians stay away from the West part. It is not one city but two. The U.S. will be the sole country in the world with an embassy there — a hardship post when all the embassy parties will be in Tel Aviv!
A final word: The highly successful former editor of Vanity Fair, Tina Brown, has written an autobiography (reviewed in The New Yorker, November 20, 2017). Trump is mentioned here and there … at a 1987 dinner party given by Ann Getty, he can be seen promoting himself. But the best is Brown’s read of “The Art of the Deal” a book she had decided to excerpt in Vanity Fair. “It feels, when you have finished it, as if you’ve been nose to nose for four hours with an entertaining con man.” She adds, “I suspect the American public will like nothing better.” Now we just have to wait until they begin feel the eventual bite of the tax bill, the missing “great” healthcare plan, and the absent flood of good jobs before his voters figure the con. So the shoring up of evangelicals.
In the meantime, ask yourself this question: When the U.S. embassy moves to Jerusalem, what will happen to the one in Tel Aviv … another Trump Tower?
Dr Arshad M Khan (http://ofthisandthat.org/index.html) is a former Professor based in the U.S. whose comments over several decades have appeared in a wide-ranging array of print and internet media. His work has been quoted in the U.S. Congress and published in the Congressional Record.
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