Jill Stein in the Crosshairs: the Russia Investigation Shifts to Clinton’s Political Rivals
“Jill Stein had dinner with Putin, so… GET THE GUILLOTINE! That’s how we roll in this country now. Didn’t she know it’s illegal to eat with Russians?”— Richard Baris, Twitter
The Russia-gate investigation has zeroed-in on Green Party candidate Jill Stein proving that the probe is not an attempt to determine whether Russia meddled in the 2016 elections, but a crude weapon to bully the political rivals of Hillary Clinton her dissolute allies in the bureaucracy.
The Republican chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Senator Richard Burr said on Monday that the committee was “just starting to look at Ms. Stein’s campaign … as it continues its investigation of the Trump campaign.” According to a report in the New York Times:
Democrats have seethed for more than a year at Ms. Stein, whose tens of thousands of votes in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania either exceeded or nearly matched Donald J. Trump’s margins of victory in those states, which delivered him the White House. At least in certain quarters, they greeted news of the queries enthusiastically.Jesse Ferguson, a former Clinton campaign spokesman, said Americans ought to know if a presidential nominee, no matter how minor, had become a Russian asset or was simply boosted in an effort to chip away Democratic votes from Mrs. Clinton.“Russian operatives were not promoting Jill Stein because they thought she would win,” Mr. Ferguson said. “They were promoting her because they thought it would hurt Hillary Clinton and help Donald Trump.”(“Senate investigators scrutinize another presidential candidate: Jill Stein”, New York Times)
A “Russian asset”? Jill Stein is a “Russian asset”?
How long are American liberals going to put up with this bullshit? How long before they wash the mud from their eyes and acknowledge what should be as plain as the nose on their face; that their precious investigation of Donald Trump is nothing more than a witch hunt designed to intimidate or destroy political rivals?
The persecution of Jill Stein strips away the facade once and for all exposing Russia-gate as a complete fraud that is being used to exact revenge on the adversaries of Hillary Clinton and her reprobate friends. Even the New York Times admits as much.
Why is there still no evidence of wrongdoing after more than a year of relentless, non-stop investigations? Why are there just accusations, allegations and baseless claims?
Take a hard look at the Stein case and you’ll understand why. The meat-puppet senators who are conducting these wretched show trials don’t give a damn about the truth. They know the case against Stein is completely fabricated. They also know they can carry on with complete impunity because the big money powerbrokers who pull their strings and order them about, are beyond the reach of the any legal accountability. That’s what’s really really going on, the fatcat honchos behind the scenes are just settling scores for Hillary’s lost election. It’s payback time for the Clinton Mafia. Here’s more baloney from the Times:
Senate investigators are interested in unraveling what was behind the apparent closeness between Ms. Stein, a Harvard-educated doctor and perennial Green Party candidate, and Russia.
Give me a break. Does anyone on the Senate Intelligence Committee honestly believe that Jill Stein is a Russian agent?
Of course not. They’re just harassing her to send a message to the rest of us: “You’d better watch your step or we’ll trump-up charges against you and make your life a living hell. Isn’t that the message?
You’re damn right it is!
And you call this “America”?
Here’s a clip from an article by Danielle Ryan at “blacklisted” RT which you probably shouldn’t read because it undoubtedly transform you into a Russian agent or a Kremlin apologist:
This is a witch hunt. It is neo-McCarthyism, plain and simple. The people who are outright calling Stein a Russian agent are making a complete mockery of themselves and of the American political process…Dragging Stein into this mess … shows Clinton Democrats up for what they really are. It proves that the ‘Resist’ crowd’s crusade is not just about Trump and “collusion” — it’s also about discrediting all dissenting American voices and establishing their own definition of what political opposition is supposed to look like — and for the Clinton cult, it’s not supposed to look like Jill Stein….Anyone who disagrees with the Democrats is a Putin puppet — and if you’ve ever been to Moscow, forget it — don’t even bother trying to defend yourself. Off with your head.” (“McCarthy-style targeting of Jill Stein proves Democrats have truly lost the plot”, RT)
Bravo, Ryan! You nailed it, girl. It’s too bad America’s liberals don’t see things so clearly.
The World Socialist Web Site also issued a statement condemning the attacks on Stein. As always, the WSWS is on the forefront of the issue while the other phony liberal sites and pundits continue to support these thoroughly-corrupted and reactionary investigations. Here’s an except from their statement:
“The Socialist Equality Party condemns the targeting of Jill Stein, the Green Party presidential candidate in the 2016 election, by the neo-McCarthyite witch-hunters on the Senate Intelligence Committee…. The attack on Stein, spearheaded by the Democratic Party, is an unconstitutional attempt to delegitimize and suppress political opposition to the monopoly of the capitalist two-party system…….In addition to the dinner hosted by RT, Stein, according to ranking committee Democrat Mark Warner, had “very complimentary things to say about Julian Assange.”… For having spoken out publicly in support of a political prisoner and dissident, Stein is threatened with being hauled before a congressional committee as if she were involved in treasonous activity.This is the Orwellian reality of America in 2017, ruled by two right-wing, oligarchic parties that can and will tolerate no political opposition…..” (“Democratic Party witch-hunters target Green Party candidate Jill Stein”, World Socialist Web Site)
Imagine that; Stein actually spoke up for Assange, the highly-principled whistleblower who sacrificed his own freedom to expose the truth about Washington’s homicidal activities around the world? That’s got to be worth 30 years of hard labor at least!
What a farce! Here’s more from the Times:
Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, the committee’s top Democrat, would not comment directly on the committee’s interest in Ms. Stein, but pointed out that several of the interactions appeared to be consequential.“I will point out though that Ms. Stein was at the infamous dinner that included General Flynn and Vladimir Putin, and we do know that she has very complimentary things to say about Julian Assange, who certainly was being used by the Russians to take some of the hacked information and release it into our political system,” he said.The disclosure that the committee is looking closely at Ms. Stein’s campaign is the latest indication that the Senate committee is still expanding its investigation as it nears the one-year mark(New York Times)
Do you hear that, liberals? Do you hear what Warner is saying? Do you like the idea that the investigation is expanding and that the hectoring, harassing and intimidating is going to continue for the foreseeable future and that it’s going to include anyone who admires men like Assange or Snowden or Manning or anyone who opposes the corrupt and murderous oligarchy that rules this stinking country?
Do you like that idea?
If you’re a liberal and you hate Donald Trump, then you probably see the Russia-gate investigation as your best chance to achieve the Golden Grail of “impeachment”. But are you willing to compromise your principles, join forces with the sinister and unscrupulous Clinton cabal, and throw allies like Jill Stein under the bus to achieve your goal?
How high a price are you willing to pay to get rid of Trump?
That’s the question that every liberal in America should be asking themselves.
And they’d better answer it fast before it’s too late.
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