Friday, 15 December 2017

How to Stop Trump


For over a year, kind and decent Americans have wrung their hand wondering how to stop Trump. Doctors report that emergency room visits have spiked for Democrats with “Trump Hands,” a painful chafing and erosion of their hand skin.  Typing on Facebook has become an act of courage and true #Resistance.
For over a year, we’ve known: The election results were a fraud! We live in a country of closeted racists and sexists and anti-LGBTQ-ers! Russia caused Trump’s victory!  It’s time to abolish the Electoral College!!!  Traitorous stupid white women voted against the most qualified candidate ever to run for office in the history of the world! It’s time to use the 25th Amendment, so Trump can be ruled incompetent and pushed aside for President Pence!
More disturbing than the chafed skin on my lily-white privileged hands is WHAT WE LOST LAST YEAR. We lost the Presidency – and got a PresiDUNCEY!
After November 8, 2016, America became a racist, xenophobic, hate-the-poor cesspool. No longer did we have a President who looked and acted cool, so cool that he even smoked cigarettes; we ended up with an orange orangutan who needs to see his name plastered on every tall building, an orange orangutan with a tiny penis!!!  I know this because an artist did a hilarious sculpture mocking Trump!  (Haters, it’ OK to body-shame if the target is Trump – HE IS RACIST AND SEXIST AND THIS IS WAR.)
How do we stop Trump?
We’re already doing it – and not just by bullying friends on Facebook. After the election, Democrats MOBILIZED. We aren’t relying on elites from Harvard Law School to take down Trump by arguing arcane legal theories such as Trump violated “the Emoluments Clause.” Nor are we waiting for Special Prosecutors to dig up dirt (only Republicans/Ken Starr do that). Nor are we Democrats simply forcing our own party members accused of groping women to resign and then passive aggressively hoping that, Trump, similarly accused, WON’T resign – because that will show how hypocritical Republicans are and lead to victories in 2018! Nor are we simply relying on Trump to fail, or for the stock market to crash. (That would be treasonous.)
Nor are we simply nitpicking very little thing Trump does. We magnanimously overlook when he has a typo in a Tweet (covfefe!!!) or when he slurs a word.
We take the high road.
We Democrats are defeating Trump the right and proper way, by a war of ideas. We’re not just saying Trump’s immigration plan is unfair and racist and xenophobic. Rather, officially, as a party, Democrats have proposed their own plan, which is available here. Democrats are not just decrying the repeal of ObamaCare but are taking the high road and, as a party, are proposing not just health insurance but health CARE for all; the official plan, proposed I believe by Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, is available here.  (Don’t slam this official Democrat proposal as mere political pandering to the 58 percent of Americans, who, according to a May 2016 Gallup Poll, want federally funded health care! So what if Democrats are obviously trying to win elections!)  Democrats are not just denouncing Trump’s tax plan as unfair and racist and sexist and homophobic and xenophobic and anti-poor but have proposed their own tax plan, which ends corporate welfare and obliterates deductions available only to the well-to-do, such as that deduction for interest on mortgage payments – the official Democrat tax plan is available here.
Democrats aren’t just waiting “until we have enough votes.” We’re BUILDING SUPPORT, boldly making these proposals and pounding the pavement and our keyboards and educating fellow Americans about why these proposals are the best vision for America.
Democrats officially as a party have even proposed, in their home states, plans to distribute tax funds raised for education EQUALLY, across the state, so that poor children may now go to schools of the same quality and caliber as rich kids. An example of such a proposal is available here.  And, most well-to-do Democrat parents in states where such proposals have not (yet) been made are screaming out for such proposals and meanwhile, to make a statement, have been moving their own families to poor school districts and becoming active in their PTA and are chipping in to help poor kids pay for SAT prep.
We’re stopping Trump cold – cold as a Russian winter – with a WAR OF IDEAS.
I’ll see you on THE HIGH ROAD. If you’re too poor to own a car, or you still drive a climate-destroying racist sexist xenophobic anti-LGBTQ gas-guzzler, I’ll give you a ride in my electric Tesla, because we’re Stronger Together, and Hate Has No Home Here.
BRIAN FOLEY isn’t a Democrat, but that’s because Russian trolls on Facebook fooled him into voting for Jill Stein, making him believe Hillary Clinton had voted for the Iraq War, had supported her husband’s racist mass incarceration policies, opposed single payer health care, opposed gay marriage during her entire tenure as a Senator and Secretary of State, was instrumental in the needless and murderous destruction of Libya, and helped attack women who’d accused her husband of sexual assault as bimbos and trailer trash and lying money-grubbing sluts. Foley is the author of A New Financial You in 28 Days! A 37-Day Plan (Gegensatz Press). Contact him at

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Brian J. Foley is a lawyer and the author of A New Financial You in 28 Days! A 37-Day Plan (Gegensatz Press). Contact him at


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