Friday, 17 November 2017

Money Money Money: When The Revolution Comes Oh Please Can These Creeps Be the First To Go?


Ever Classy. Photo by Jacquelyn Martin/ A.P.

Never ones to pass up an opportunity to offend America - and just in time for the GOP-controlled House to pass an obscene "welfare for the wealthy" tax bill that will give trillions to robber barons and corporations and hurt everyone else - clueless Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and his tone-deaf trophy wife Louise "The-Little-People-Are-So-Adorable" Linton stopped by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing Wednesday to ogle new $1 bills that will bear Mnuchin's signature, along with that of U.S. Treasurer Jovita Carranza.

Because the cartoon villain couple has never met a moment of mind-melting cognitive dissonance they didn't like, they then indulged in a preposterously offensive photo shoot,holding up the cute teeny bills - wallpaper? toilet paper? - used by the poors. Already accused of being greedy, opportunistic, out-of touch plutocrats and thus appropriately sensitive to optics, Linton dressed for the occasion: She wore  Bond villain, Cruella De Vil, vampire-murderess-style black leather, topped off by a pair of $635 black leather gloves (so she wouldn't get cooties.)

Social media was less than kind. They were also some pissed to learn it was Linton who killed Han Solo. Tell us again: Who are these dreadful human beings? The $1 bills they were celebrating are scheduled to be released in December; can these cretins be gone by then, please? We know. Probably too soon. But just in case, get your pitchforks ready.

Poster carried by a Democratic staffer en route to Thursday's tax hearing. From Democratic Underground.
 Steve Mnuchin seems so much less douchey when his voice is replaced with gurgling sounds...
— ElElegante101 (@skolanach) November 15, 2017


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