When Dotards Run the World
At first I thought we had something of a kakistocracy going, that being government by the least principled in society, but that fine documentary “Idiocracy” made a compelling argument for idiots at the helm—Donald John Mountain Dew The Apprentice Miss Universe Naked Creeper Trump sort of thing…….but that isn’t enough to explain the human phlegm being coughed to the surface of leadership positions in all sorts of domains here in the US. Then Kim Jong-un gave us the term dotard, or at least whoever translated his “old lunatic” Korean insult into English. This happened many rage-tweet news cycles ago, of course, but I think this matter deserves a little deeper consideration.
The thing is, we’ve been lorded over by dotards/dotardery all this time and had no idea there was a word for it. Old lunatics who are leaving the earth scorched: literally, figuratively, and hepatomegaly. Our livers can’t take this much longer.
Individuals like Trump and all his complicit dotards have taken us to the cusp of nuclear war. Did Trump really ask to increase the nuclear arsenal ten-fold, prompting Tillerson to call him a fucking moron, and then in an act of astounding hypocritical dotardery, Tillerson stayed on the fucking moron’s payroll? It’s hard to know what really happened, and what I had nightmares about last week. I think we’re all going through that. Dotards are nightmare fuel.
Dotards don’t care if they assist in the nuclear anhilation of others, not if the gig pays well. Dotards don’t care if they leave a habitable planet for descendants. Dotards don’t care about consent. They’re dotards, remember?
Well for now, these old lunatics run free; white supremacist dotards like Steve Bannon try to erode any sense of communal aspiration– the notion that we are spinning on this globe together—that we should love and hold each other up during the rough times (and all the time because that’s all there really is). They have a toxic individualism because it’s very likely that no other individual has ever cared about them. So they become dotards. It’s all in the DSM 7. Trust me.
So Puerto Rico suffers as Trump golfs; California suffers as Trump golfs. The Southern Closeted Dotard species, as represented by Lindsay Graham, loves that 73 score achieved in windy and wet conditions (created by the speech patterns of a flock of dotards congregating on a golf course, sycophanting and socializing).
And in other dotards run the damn world news, yes, California is burning, but that trifle has been ignored in comparison to famous perv-dotard Harvey Weinstein’s achievements. The only way those fires are going to get coverage is if Weinstein gets confused and ejaculates on a burning tree instead of a potted plant.
So many dotards, but there might be a little hope out there……….
I’m not young (but hey, I’m no dotard). I’m looking forward to the march of time when I can watch the millennials ruin the last of the dotards (like they ruined Applebee’s, napkins, diamonds, marriage, wine corks, and………golf).
Kathleen Wallace writes out of the US Midwest and can be reached at klwallace@riseup.net.
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