Spain Threatens to Seize Catalonia as Deadline Looms
Catalan Leaders Yet to Clarify Independence Stance
Jason Ditz
Spain’s Prime Minister gave Catalonia an ultimatum to clarify their independence stance by Monday. As of Monday morning in Spain, there’s still been no word from any Catalan leader on he matter.
Spanish officials are saying they intend to seize control of Catalonia outright if they get even an “ambiguous” answerabout the future of the region, and are demanding that President Carles Puigdemont unconditionally abandon secession.
Spain’s position is that Catalonia’s referendum on secession, which overwhelmingly passed, didn’t count. Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy says that he is prepared to use constitutional authority to place the region under direct rule of the Spanish government, and will revoke their long-standing autonomy.
Puigdemont is in a tough position, with Spain threatening to arrest him for declaring independence, and Catalan parties are threatening to withdraw support from Puigdemont if he doesn’t follow through on the voters’ demands for independence..
Puigdemont signed the declaration of independence last week, but suspended the declaration, trying to set up talks on the process. But Spain has rejected talks, and there’s been no progress on the matter, with Spain’s deadline looking to force his hand.
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