Monday, 30 October 2017

Graffiti Artist Lushsux Strikes Again: West Bank Mural of Trump, Netanyahu Locking Lips

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Artist Lushsux hopes his painting would draw attention to Palestinians stuck in “an indoor prison”.

A massive mural of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Donald Trump engaged in a passionate kiss was unveiled this morning, painted on the West Bank security barrier near the West Bank city of Bethlehem.
A massive mural of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Donald Trump engaged in a passionate kiss was unveiled Sunday morning, October 29, 2017, painted on the West Bank security barrier near the West Bank city of Bethlehem. REUTERS/Mussa Qawasma
Another mural by Australian graffiti artist Lushsux has popped up on a portion of the wall in the occupied West Bank showing President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu kissing.

The caption on the mural has Netanyahu saying "Thanks for the wall Trumpy Pumpkin" and Trump saying " BeBe, Your country and you will always come first, my love..."

Reuters reported on Sunday.
His face hidden by a headdress, a man who identified himself as Lushsux said against the backdrop of a cement section of the Israeli wall in Bethlehem that he hoped his painting would draw attention to Palestinians stuck in “an indoor prison”.
The Bethlehem wall has become a showcase of protest art voicing Palestinians’ fears that Israel’s West Bank fence-and-concrete barrier is a land grab that may deny them a state. Israelis deem the project a bulwark against Palestinian attack.
”The wall is a message in itself,“ the man, who said he painted the mural overnight, told Reuters. ”I don’t need to write ‘Free Palestine’ or something like that, something really direct ... that people will ignore.

“I just paint what I usually paint and maybe people will start looking at the background and looking at the razor wire and looking at people stuck in here, and maybe that’ll work better,” he said in Australian-accented English.

Here's more of Lushsux's recent work:
Trump Putin

Melania Trump
Muslim Woman
Hillary Clinton by Lushsux


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