Thursday, 21 September 2017

Mattis: Pentagon Budget Uncertainty Raises Questions About US Survival

Continues to Complain Despite Massive Senate Spending Bill

Jason Ditz 

It’s a time honored tradition for Defense Secretaries to complain about the budget caps imposed in 2011, even though Congress has literally never failed to circumvent those caps. James Mattis followed that trend of alarmism, but seemingly at the worst possible time.

Mattis claimed that budget uncertainty has him questioning “whether or not America has the ability to survive.” The US, of course, spends many-fold more on their military than any other nation, and annual budgets are always growing to new records.

Mattis’ comments come just 48 hours after the Senate overwhelmingly passed a $700 billion military spending bill, far exceeding what Mattis’ Pentagon sought, and far exceeding the even bigger figure sought by the president.

Indeed the only question that remains on the Senate bill is whether the House will ultimately outdo them even further. To the extent that there’s any question about the Pentagon’s budget, it’s merely at the top end, as Congress’ figure always falls somewhere in excess of the preposterous amounts requested by the White House, and somewhere slightly short of all the money the exists in the world.


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