Sunday, 10 September 2017

George Soros and the Politics of Hope and Hate


The hackneyed international billionaire enigma known by the name of George Soros (redolent of the James Bond villain Blofeld – the head of the sinister shadow government organisation Spectre – in Ian Fleming’s novels) is up to his old tricks yet again in stirring up tensions and trouble to suit his own warped personal, political and financial agenda. This time Soros is not only poking his unwanted nose into the security, internal affairs and politics of the Russian Federation, or the United States of America, or the State of Israel, but now also another one of his old loathed adversaries in the form of Britain. George Soros likes to parade around as a humanitarian liberal devoted to good and noble causes. The old spiv and speculator has taken it upon himself as the self-anointed, self-righteous judge of who is full of hope and who is full of hate in Britain by setting up and funding his own «spy network» euphemistically called «Hope Not Hate».
This is curious as Mr. Soros himself is in no position to lecture and dictate to others who is full of hope and who is full of hate especially when it comes to Britain. After-all, Mr. Soros loathes Britain so much he was the man responsible for breaking the Bank of England on Black Wednesday which cost the UK taxpayer over $10 Billion in currency reserves and triggered the worst financial crisis in the country's history (that was up until 2008) which cost every man, woman and child in the UK an estimated 70 pounds per head in 1992 money. Mr. Soros made quite a lot of money off the backs of the financial misery he helped inflict on the already recession hit British population. Mr. Soros himself has a lot of hatred inside him. First of all he has an unmitigated hatred for his own people of the Jewish civilization and the great State of Israel. Soros is a deeply insecure, neurotic, self-hating person. During an interview with the New Yorker he stated: «I don't deny the Jews to a right to a national existence – but I don't want anything to do with it». Ouch! 
Soros's Open Society Foundation has also been active in attempting to deligitimise Israel, with a self-described objective of «challenging Israel’s racist and anti-democratic policies» in international forums, in part by questioning Israel’s reputation as a democracy and encouraging the boycott, divestment and sanctions lobby against Israel. For someone who is Jewish and grew up in Nazi occupied Hungary this is beyond the pale. But then Mr. Soros and his self-hating, upper-middle class family have no real connection or sympathy for their fellow Jews having done a deal with the devil in Hungary during WWII to enable him and his family to flee to England to save their own bacon. When it comes to Israel and the plight of the Jewish people George Soros is full of hatred, pathological hatred.
Then there is the pathological hatred George Soros has for Russia, the Russian people and the Russian State and for the Russian President Vladimir Putin. In January 2015 Soros ludicrously claimed in the most wild and paranoid fashion that: «Europe needs to wake up and recognize that it is under attack from Russia». What nonsense! Soros sounds as if he wants to start a new Cold War. He has also been a leading proponent and cheerleader in the West for expansive economic sanctions against Russia. Soros has gone out of his way and done everything in his power along with his billions to attempt to undermine (if not overthrow) President Putin and the Russian Government. Instead of attempting to foster a new alliance with Russia based on mutual respect, mutual admiration and mutual interests (and honouring the massive sacrifice that the heroic Russian people made in defense of ironically Western civilization during WWII) Soros is doing everything he can to start a war between NATO and Moscow. He cannot be allowed to get away with this. 
Now not content with attempting to undermine the State of Israel or the Russian Federation for his own agenda, he and his followers have set up shop in Britain with their own «spy network» in a little known charitable organisation based in St. James Square, London under the title of «Hope» not «Hate». This is an echo of President Obama's vacuous and superficial 2008 slogan «Hope & Change». Yet to President Obama's credit he hoovered up all the funding that Soros gave him in 2008 and then once inside the Oval Office refused to meet with him. Soros had hoped to establish himself in the long line of American «super-donors» by setting himself up as the shadow President. When President Obama was not willing to play that game Soros rued his investment and stated he should have backed Hillary Clinton instead.
This explains why he went all in for Hillary in 2016 banking on finally getting the position of shadow President which he thought was his due in 2008. Yet he did not reckon on his other «super-donor» rival breaking the rules and actually standing for office instead of funding from the sidelines, thus liberating the Oval Office from the grip of outside big money multi-millionaire and billionaire «special interest shadow Presidents» such as a Soros or a Sheldon Adelson or a Pamela Harriman et al. What is going on in internal American politics at the moment is very much a personal/political battle between President Trump and the wannabe shadow President Soros. 
Yet Soros and his misguided followers in his «Hope» not «Hate» spy network cult have started targeting anyone in Britain who exercise their legitimate democratic and civil liberty rights to intellectual freedom, freedom of speech and freedom of thought in advocating for and speaking out in support of a new realist alliance and Grand Accommodation with Russia. Anyone who has the audacity to attempt to chart a new geopolitical course in international relations and remind the West of the massive debt it still has to properly honour towards Russia is immediately targeted by his «Hope» not «Hate» network. Anyone who has the temerity to question the wisdom of US-UK policy on Syria from the very start of the conflict way back in 2011 is immediately targeted by Soros's «Hope» not «Hate» network. Anyone who makes the slightest positive comment about Russia or the Russian people or expresses admiration for Russia is immediately targeted by Soros's «Hope» not «Hate» network. How such an independent spy network can be allowed to operate this way in Britain is deeply disturbing and is yet another sign of the 1984 quasi-Gestapo State the UK is steadily slipping into. Indeed there is close coordination between certain elements in the British State along with Soros's «spies». 
His followers in «Hope» not «Hate» should be aware that their Leader is no saint. Soros is a deeply sinister individual full of hatred of his own. Hatred for Israel. Hatred for Russia. Hatred for Britain. Ironically his hedge fund he started in the 1960s is called «Quantum». Mr. Soros hates Britain and has a personal axe to grind against Britain just has he has a personal axe to grind against Israel, Russia and certain people in America. Once again, useful idiots are being manipulated within a much larger global geopolitical/geo-personal context. Perhaps it is time for Mr. Soros and his «Hope» not «Hate» spy cult to take a long hard look at themselves in the mirror and ask themselves if they are so pure and innocent to sit in judgement over others? 

Tags: Soros


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