Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Iran Calls U.S. Demand for Military Inspections 'A Dream'

Iranian government spokesperson Mohammad Baqer Nobakht stated, "Iran's military sites are off limits."

In response to U.S. insistence that United Nations' nuclear inspectors visit Iran's military bases, the Iranian government has categorized the demand as “merely a dream.”
Iranian government spokesperson Mohammad Baqer Nobakht stated during a news conference that “Iran’s military sites are off limits" adding that "all information about these sites are classified.”
Baqer Nobakht also noted, “Iran will never allow such visits. Don’t pay attention to such remarks that are merely a dream.”
Ali Akbar Velayati, a top adviser to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, also weighed in on the issue, stating, "The Americans will take their dream of visiting our military and sensitive sites to their graves."
Last week, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley pressured the International Atomic Energy Agency, with the aim of securing a deal where nuclear inspectors were allowed access to Iranian military bases to guarantee that scientists were not engaged in any activity banned by the nuclear deal signed in 2015, according to PressTV.
Many times during his presidential campaign, U.S. President Donald Trump referred to the nuclear pact negotiated between his predecessor, President Barack Obama, and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani as being “the worst deal ever,” a comment he continues to make.
IAEA inspectors have confirmed that, in exchange for terminating U.S.-imposed sanctions that jeopardized Iran's oil-based economy and froze assets deposited in U.S. financial institutions, Iran has fully complied with the terms of the nuclear deal, significantly reducing its enriched uranium stockpile and taking measures to guarantee that it couldn't develop nuclear weaponry.
In April, roughly four months after being seated as president by a minority electoral-college, Trump authorized a review to determine if the nuclear sanctions suspension under Obama would serve the interests of the United States.


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