A German news magazine just gave us the most shocking Donald Trump cover yet
Magazines have never held back when it came to depicting Donald Trump on their covers, but a German news publication has taken presidential trolling to the next level.
The latest cover for Stern, a German magazine, abandons any shred of subtlety — showing a lifelike image of Trump doing a Nazi salute while draped in American flag.
Following Trump's controversial stance on Charlottesville and his delayed response to condemn the violent behavior of neo-Nazis and white supremacists, other magazines featured similar KKK motifs — however, they've mostly been cartoons.
Stern's jarring image of Trump, on the other hand, is so realistic looking it could give you chills.
The text over Trump reads "Sein Kampf," or "His Fight/Struggle" — a clear reference to Adolf Hitler's book "Mein Kampf," which translates to "My Struggle."
The text below the headline translates to "Neo-Nazis, Ku-Klux-Klan, racism: How Donald Trump stirs hatred in America."
Stern's depiction heavily implies that Trump is "stirring hatred" by standing up for Nazis himself, as shown when he equated protesters with white supremacists, showing sympathy in a recent press conference.
In the days after Charlottesville, The Economist, The New Yorker, and TIME also took bold visual stands against the president with covers featuring KKK hoods, and The New York Daily News highlighted Trump calling those at the Nazi rally "very fine people."
It's certainly not the first time Trump has been called out on a cover, and it likely won't be the last. In the past Trump's immigration ban and relations with Russia have also come under fire, each imagine consistently proving to be worth far more than a thousand words.
UPDATE: Aug. 24, 2017, 11:38 a.m. UTC Updated to alter translation of second text so it reads: "Neo-Nazis, Ku-Klux-Klan, racism: As Donald Trump stirs hatred in America."
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