The Extremists Did Win in France
Hillary Clinton may have lost in America but she won in France. If the Russians were able to determine the American vote: why the hell weren’t they able to fix the vote in a third rate country like France? Maybe Russia isn’t the evil genius it’s made out to be in the West. Maybe it’s just the West.
We’re supposed to be happy that the neofascist lost. We’re supposed to be over the moon that the Euro and the European Union is feeling stronger today. We’re supposed to be dancing in the streets because liberal democracy is the king of France. But apart from the 1% and their market mad media no one else is euphoric. The victory of liberalism in Paris feels like a defeat.
In 2002 there was a real sense of relief when Le Pen senior lost to Chirac. But now in 2017 the loss of Le Pen junior feels diabolically different. The world has changed a lot in the last 15 years. In the race to kill all the people and to kill all the planet liberalism has overtaken fascism. Right now it’s liberalism rather than fascism which is the greatest danger facing humanity.
Most western progressives however are stuck in the 1930s. They see Hitler everywhere. They’re still fighting the Spanish Civil War! Their advice – the advice of Noam Chomsky in America and Yanis Varoufakis in Europe – is to always follow the example of the 1930s and form something like a united front against fascism. In today’s elections that means joining up with the liberals so as to keep out the extremists.
But who are the extremists? Who are today’s psychopathic killers and psychopathic slave-drivers? Since 2002 it has been the advocates of liberalism. The fascists don’t even come close. The forces of “individual freedom” have given us the on-going holocaust in the Middle East. And the champions of the “free market” have more respect for Guantanamo Bay prisoners than they do for the international working class.
And who are the racists? Right before our eyes we are seeing one genocide and seeing the preparation for two or three more. The Arabs – this instant – are being burnt alive. And the Koreans, Russians and Chinese are next in line. And the Africans and Latin Americans? No one cares anymore about those subhumans! The fascists are not responsible for this “divide, kill, starve and rule” global agenda. On the contrary it is the lovable liberals who are masterminding this – the final solution to the White Man’s Burden.
In the beautifully young face of Macron we see the beautifully young faces of Bill Clinton, Tony Blair and Barack Obama. We see another glamorous marketing trick but feel the same old class agenda. Western capitalism über alles and “sink or swim” for the rest of us. It’s a stale vision of hell that belongs to past centuries.
Make no mistake about Macron: he is a nihilistic imperialist. In all the talk about him that’s the missing word -“imperialism”. However as an ex-investment banker (an ex-employee of the Rothschild mafia) he knows the the fundamental need of investors: imperialism. That’s what should concern us now. It goes unmentioned in the mainstream madhouse but Macron adds momentum to the drive for foreign wars and genocides. Forget his sexy smile and pay attention to his nefarious NATO nuts.
First and foremost Macron is a “yes-man”. He’s a millionaire “go-for”. On the foreign stage (the most important stage for the global “Davos” elite which sponsored him) Macron will support the Washington consensus. He’ll follow the Washington line straight into Auschwitz. This means that he will fall into line behind Berlin on European matters. And fall into line behind Tel Aviv on every other matter. Macron’s foreign policy in short will be a circle of fire: Washington DC, Berlin, Tel Aviv and back to Washington DC. So much for the independent minded father of the fifth Republic: Charles de Gaulle.
On the domestic stage Macron’s billionaire bosses in Boston, Berlin and Brussels expect him to “slash and burn” French society. He’s expected to deliver nothing less than the coup de grâce to the remnants of French socialism (healthcare, pensions and working conditions). Everything is already in place: the borders of France are “sealed” and the French army is on the streets. This state of emergency is blamed on ISIS. But it really points to the CRISIS of French capitalism. For Rothschild & Co. French labor isn’t “flexible” and “needs to be” radically “reformed” if French capital is to make American style profits. In other words French labor “needs to be” moved away from a collective logic and towards the logic of individualism.
The supreme irony is that Vichy France is today being reborn. And the parents are not the fascists but the liberals. French independence at home and abroad is being sacrificed for the benefit of Wall Street and it’s Berlin cronies. And the French themselves have voted for this because they were apparently afraid of a “French Hitler”. In fact this manufactured fear was a pathetic out of date cardboard cutout. History in Hollywood may stand still but not in real time. Hitler is long dead. In any case he was only a frontman for European capitalism. He was a man of his time. Back in the 1930s capital needed Hitler in order to savage the communists. Today they need a different type of assassin. One that smiles and wears a shirt and tie. The bosses’ weapon of choice today is “freedom” instead of fascism.
For decades now France has been outmanoeuvred by “globalisation” and the imperialism it entails. Throughout the world America has made a fool of France (Suez in 1956, Rwanda in 1994 and the War on Terror from 2001 to the present). And in Europe Germany has made it look like a fool too (the Euro-Deutschmark and Austerity). It is not surprising therefore that France is now acting the fool. Out of fear of the fake extremism of the National Front – it has voted into power the real extremism of the liberal western elite.
It’s never too late to resist however. In the first round of the French presidential election (April 23) 50% of the electorate voted against liberal extremism. The National Front, La France insoumise (Unsubmissive France) and the the Socialist Party formed a solid block against Macron’s 24%. France’s fake fear of Le Pen then handed the presidency to Macron on May 7. Now, as the real domestic fear of liberalism manifests itself in the near future, a new French resistance will be born. If it is to succeed it too will have to be extreme. That means it will have to be not only anti-capitalist at home but also anti-imperialist abroad. Ironically Macron’s extremism may ignite the great anti-EU and anti-NATO movements which Europe is crying out for. Long live extremism!
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