Friday, 14 April 2017

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Commander-in-Chief Trump Drops 'Mother of All Bombs' on Afghanistan

Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) said the "unprecedented use of an MOAB...marks a new front in the almost 16 year war in Afghanistan."
(Photo: Fl295 / Public Domain)
Commander-in-Chief Donald Trump unleashed one of the most powerful U.S. bombs—the 20,000 pound GBU-43, known as "the mother of all bombs"—on Afghanistan on Thursday, the Pentagon has confirmed.

The MOAB, which stands for massive ordinance air blast, reportedly struck an Islamic State (ISIS) tunnel complex in Nangarhar province. According to the Department of Defense statement, "the strike was designed to minimize the risk to Afghan and U.S. Forces conducting clearing operations in the area while maximizing the destruction of ISIS-K fighters and facilities."

However, as observers pointed out, with a one-mile blast radius, the chance of numerous civilian causalities is high. The MOAB is said to be one of the largest non-nuclear bombs in the U.S. military arsenal and this is reportedly the first time it has been used.

The US just dropped a MOAB bomb with a blast radius of 1mile on Afghanistan, knowingly taking innocent lives in it's wake. Let that sink in.

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odd how the media magically knows the bomb only hit "ISIS"

Bombs not gonna solve Afghanistan. If military power was the answer, we'd have won 15yrs ago

Trump taking military action w/o strategy

We just dropped 1 bomb in Afghanistan that cost more than it would have to pilot a  for 13,000 Americans for 2 years. 

Thursday's massive strike follows a series of high-profile U.S. military attacks. Last week, Trump unilaterally bombed a Syrian government airfield—a move that was widely lauded by the media and leaders in both political parties, but widely condemned by critics of military action.

It also comes mere weeks after U.S. military airstrikes killed more than 200 civilians in Mosul, Iraq. March was the most deadly month for civilians in Iraq and Syria, according to the military watchdog Airwars. At the same time, the number of munitions dropped in both countries reached a new record in March, as well.

Airwars reports:
So far this year, 10,918 munitions have been dropped on Iraq and Syria, with January, February and March each setting new records for munitions dropped. This represents a 59 percent rise on the number of munitions released during January – March 2016, suggesting that President Donald Trump may be following through with his election promise to "bomb the shit out of ISIS."


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