Australia is at the mercy of the whims of two mad men
I had come to believe that, post Vietnam, I would never see another serious military incident or war in our region in my lifetime. How wrong could I be.
Not only is the probability now mounting at an alarming pace, with Donald Trump and tensions over North Korea and the South China Sea, but I fear that we, as a nation,
We are being sucked along as these probabilities mount and unfold, without a clear sense of our national interest, and without a clear strategy as to how we should be positioning ourselves to respond.
The Turnbull government obviously didn't expect Trump to win. It didn't even have a phone number at the ready to congratulate him. Then, there was the infamous Trump/Turnbull phone call, again caught off guard. Quite frankly, the government, like most others has been left to fear the worst, as it waits to see just how Trump will transition from his campaign rhetoric to action. But, at best, it is playing catch-up.
In this respect, it has been heartening to see the "checks and balances" of Congress and the Washington establishment kick-in to effectively constrain Trump in terms of his domestic policy initiatives and desires. However, there are few constraints on his capacity to operate as Commander-in Chief.
Moreover, Trump is now very hard to read on foreign policy and defence matters, due to inconsistencies in his declared positions. Sure, he intends to expand the military and US defence capabilities, and he has started to do that. But beyond that we are left to guess.
In the campaign, he made much of not being dragged in to fight others' wars – America first, only and at home. He wanted some form of rapprochement with Russia. Yet, he responds to the use of chemical weapons in Syria with a bombing raid on the "source airport", putting at risk Russia's much-needed co-operation to ultimately resolve the Syrian conflict.
He has, for now, backed off some of his rhetoric with regards to NATO, but has still threatened action against China's territorial and military expansions in the South China Sea and to attack North Korea over its nuclear threats, while challenging China to do more to contain Pyongyang. Trump has also positioned his "armada" off the coast (although in true Celebrity Apprentice style it was "missing" for a time), and has begun the installation of upgraded missile defence systems in South Korea.
Through all this the Turnbull government has had to settle for the crumbs: meetings with Vice President Mike Pence, there and here, making various attempts to save the "refugee deal", calling on China to do more in relation to the emerging tensions with North Korea. We have been heavily criticised and threatened by Pyongyang, for doing the bidding of the US, and for facilitating a US troop build-up in our north.
Obviously, Turnbull would hope that next week's meeting with Trump in New York is more substantive than just a "side-bar chat" – which, I gather, is somewhat longer than a tweet!
Australia is particularly exposed to developments in North Korea with commitments as a signatory to the Armistice, and sitting precariously at the mercy of the whims of two "mad men". It is hard to escape the echoes of John F. Kennedy's Bay of Pigs, while conceding that Kennedy was no Trump.
In these circumstances, it is all too easy for Australia to just get sucked along with the US, to end up in circumstances where we would not otherwise perhaps want to be. Recall the Howard government's commitment to George Bush's illegal invasion of Iraq on the basis of false intelligence.
It is now fundamentally important for Turnbull to initiate an urgent national debate on how best to position our nation relative to these risks and threats. He must set out his government's detailed assessment of the situation and the main diplomatic and military options to be considered in our national interest, including a formal parliamentary debate on these issues.
Our political leaders so easily mouth the words that "the most significant decision that a government ever takes is to commit its citizens to armed conflict", or words to that effect.
You would hope that they would only do that after adequate consultation with the broad community, which certainly wasn't the case in Bush's war. This is important, not only from the point of view of the potential costs and sacrifices, but also for the likely subsequent consequences – for example, our involvement in the Iraq War certainly heightened our risks as a potential terrorist target.
John Hewson is a professor at the Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU, and a former Liberal opposition leader. are being caught in the headlights
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