Friday, 28 April 2017

A World In Free Fall In A Dangerous Universe: Syria, Afghanistan, North Korea, Iran, What’s Next, An Asteroid?

A universal truth was revealed by the recent chemical weapon tragedy in Syria’s Idlib Province and the MOAB bombing of Afghanistan. Namely, that as the human world continues to tear itself asunder and make a mockery of the United Nation’s concept of international law and the sovereign rights of nations – supposedly intended to protect them from unprovoked, preemptive attacks by just such rogue countries like the United States and its unilateral 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles & MOAB Bomb attack – is that so much acrimony and mistrust exists among human governments and their populaces to the point that the world teeters all the more dangerously and precipitously upon the edge of a potential World War III?
Once again, Trump, like so many other U.S. Presidents before him, has willfully violated international law and conducted another unprovoked preemptive attack by exercising the contrived notion of American Exceptionalism that has long asserted the United States so-called Divine Mission in the world that gives it a self-declared superiority over every other nation and right to conduct itself above and beyond any such mere mortal law.
In the critical days following the chemical weapon tragedy in Syria, and the United States loose cannon/lone wolf response to the tragedy, the world’s corporate media in the West did little to get at the real truth about what really caused this tragedy. Instead it mostly offered up little more than propaganda, bogus allegations and glowing accolades about President Trump ability to show his “presidential timbre” as a warrior-leader, who now has proven himself capable of taking swift, decisive action against what the corporate media asserted was a chemical attack committed by Assad and his Government against innocent Syrian civilians, children and little babies.
Historically, it was yet another classic false flag Vietnam ‘Gulf of Tonkin’ Resolution, Iraq ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’ moment in time when Deep State Fifth Columnists – who always gather in the shadows of whatever geopolitical event, once again sought, as they always do – to mobilize – through misinformation, disinformation, espionage or outright aggression with whatever external military forces – any excuse to foment another new war and commit yet another unprovoked attack against whatever country upon which it has imperial designs.
But if Assad and his family now must go for his or their alleged guilt in the recent chemical weapon tragedy in Idlib Province, then so must go the whole lot of world leaders and their families of rogues and criminals who are complicit in the horrendous reality of so much of the same that has been, and continues to be, mankind’s history of the world, especially during the last century up to the present day. If the Assad’s now must go for his part in all this madness  so should: Trump, Putin, Erdogan, Netanyahu, Merkel, the Saudi Royal Family and a host of other lesser lap dog war monger leaders in countries throughout the world.
In short, the world desperately needs a complete and utter new make-over from top to bottom, with regime changes throughout its length and breadth. Otherwise, the same Fifth Column of the Deep State and its multitude of: billionaire money-bags, neo-conservative/alt-right plotters, corporate media propagandists, arms merchants, manufacturers of the materials of war and Wall Street financiers will only continue to endlessly fan the flames war, death and destruction in the Middle East and everywhere else as they have for countless decades, regardless of the murders of however many hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, the utter devastation of whole countries and subsequent tsunami waves of refugees and immigrants who continue to sweep throughout every country in the world, creating endless political chaos and ideological backlash. To those who relish creating such a dark, obscenely-evil world – that eventually will turn the earth and everything in it into nothing more than a used-up, wasted, charcoal briquette – the world is nothing more than an abstract Machiavellian algorithm to be endlessly manipulated for whatever their short-term gain or advantage.
So to say, “Assad Must Go!”, is to say nothing significant will ever change for the better any more than it did when Saddam Hussein, Moammar Gadhafi, Osama Bin Laden and host of other mad men were removed and eliminated because some other Machiavelli-type decided they  finally “Had To Go, Too!”.
The corporate media’s subterfuge, spin and hype continue to run riot over the latest conflicting details of the chemical weapon tragedy in Syria. To try to make sense of it all is a crazy maker of epic Orwellian doublespeak. Some contend the problem began when President Trump received a fraudulent briefing that was based upon a report by a British-accused terrorist who had previously been put on trial in the UK for terrorism offences and kidnapping, yet mysteriously was allowed by British Intelligence authorities to then travel to Syria to join al-Qaeda’s fight to overthrow Assad. This same individual said to be affiliated with a British Intelligence project, known as the White Helmets, who are funded by the British Foreign Office and USAID, who are the ones who provided the graphic images of the victims of the Idlib attack that were shown “as evidence” to the UN Security Council and Donald Trump.
British journalist Peter Hitchens telling description of the terrorist-controlled site of the Idlib Province attack immediately calls into question the source of such so-called ‘evidence’ when he commented, “No independent Western journalist could go there. He or she would be kidnapped or killed within hours. Any report which came from that region is filtered through people who you never see. These are groups like Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, alias the al-Nustra Front, alias al-Qaeda, the Syrian ‘opposition’ which Britain and the U.S. have been supporting for years…the same movement which destroyed the Manhatten Twin Towers.”
Yet before Trump even ordered his cruise missile attack on the Syrian airbase, U.S. military authorities, the CIA intelligence network and British MI5 apparently already knew full-well from their ‘White Helmet’ informants, who only operate in terrorist-controlled areas, as they are in fact members of al-Qaeda, that the attack came not from the Assad government’s air force but from the chemical warehouse/ammunition depot of an al-Qaeda based terrorist group that operated in the region. So, it begs the question what individuals in the Deep State, in this instance, were behind the scenes mouthing who or what to whom to say and do? Was it Trump and his administration dictating to the generals or the other way around; the Dog wagging the tail, or the tail wagging the Dog? if President Trump was lied to or kept ignorant of these facts by individuals in his administration or those within his national security/intelligence chain of command they should have, by now, all been exposed, fired from their current positions, criminally-charged with war crimes and treason against humanity. Or is all this just part of Trump’s on-going, reckless, irresponsible political theatre to send a message to his political handlers and supporters that he is going to fulfill all his promises to them AND MUCH MORE?
Other geopolitical analysts even go so far as to suggest that the sources President Trump used to claim Syrian culpability for the chemical weapon attack began with the British, exclusively, and its own corporate media who are the same Fifth Columnists who, for a multitude of nefarious reasons, have also been coordinating an international attack on Trump’s Presidency in an effort to destroy whatever positive potential might have existed for whatever healthy, non-violent relationships with Russia and China to rebuild the U.S. and world-wide economy. If so, Trump is making the same mistake in Syria, as President Bush did in Iraq, when he only listens to those British and American Intelligence advisors who were, and remain, perpetually bent upon a world war for which there is no compelling reason, the unintended consequences of which are certain to be catastrophic.
The Rupert Murdoch war propaganda machine itself likewise has gone into high gear over Syria, just as its atrocious Sun newspaper in the UK and Sydney, Australia’s Daily Telegraph attacked anyone who ever questioned the corporate media’s Big Lie behind the real cause of 9/11.. During the Iraq War Murdoch’s media labeled all those who opposed it as scum and traitors, while labeling all those who now question the Assad/Syrian chemical attack spin as sick trolls. The British & Australian governments, in turn, initially cheered Trump after his cruise missile attack in Syria and applauded him for resorting to war when they had previously criticized Trump when he attempted to make peace overtures to Russia and China. Yet others go so far as to now suggest that Trump was actually intentionally ‘played’ and set up as the ‘fall guy’ by both al-Qaeda and even the British Royal Family itself for the near world holocaust that might have occurred and still could because of Trump’s cruise missile attack and more recent MOAB attack in Afghanistan. It’s curious that all this occurred on the eve of President Trump’s historic meeting with China’s head of state, Xi JinPing, that many had hoped within the first 100 days of his administration would instead lead to a new and peaceful paradigm for economic and scientific progress in the world beyond all the mindless, senseless wars.
By contrast, an opposite degree of political acrimony in the world instead continues to escalate beyond anything that has come before since the time of the Cuban missile crisis; especially with the Trump administrations now stated insane intention to install the THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Air) defense system in South Korea that now needlessly threatens both North Korea and China if not also Russia, with America’s on-going behind the scene effort to push NATO every closer to the Russian borders. Trump, like ‘the dupe’ that some say he is, or the vain, ‘schoolyard bully’ that he already is well-known to be, beyond his current war-mongering in the East & Far East, continues to play to the alt-right Dr. Strangelove’s & Mad Hatter Generals when he now further declares, “If China is not going to solve North Korea, we will!”
Many political analysts and pundits now wonder, “How has the world come to all this so quickly?” Was it because of all the groundwork laid by those Fifth Columnists within the Democratic Party – like Hillary Clinton, William Kristol, Robert Kagan, Victoria Nuland and other PNAC hardliners in the Obama Administration – who were committed to violent intervention in the civil war of Libya, and then further enflamed the geopolitical scene by their covert interventions in association with a Nazi movement that led to a violent coup in the Ukraine?
Almost all the pro-interventionist editorial pages in the United States corporate media since Trump’s attack against Syria and Afghanistan support his continued saber-rattling interventionist actions elsewhere; suggesting that his ‘cold war’ rhetoric and ‘hot war’ actions finally are showing himself “becoming presidential”, as if such despicable actions are what makes a real man of an American president. Editorials in major U.S. papers, such as the: Wall Street Journal, New York Times, USA Today, New York Daily News, Washington Post, New York Post, Chicago Sun-Times and Denver Post herald Trump’s preemptive attacks. Even normally progressive editorials like the San Jose Mercury News and LA Times have been ambiguous about their moral and geopolitical position on Trump’s aggressive foreign policies, while the New York Times even has couched Trump’s behavior in terms of making one “feel some sense of emotional satisfaction…and feeling good as a result of the Syrian attack”. Adding to the cold and hot war rhetoric, the Pittsburg Post Gazette again even went so far as to refer to Syria and North Korea together as Russia and China’s moderate little proxies. While various pundits in the U.S. corporate media actually wax poetically about the 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles that Trump hurled at Syria’s sovereign territory.
One in particular, MSNBC’s breaking news anchor Brian Williams bumped MSNBC Rachel Maddow to report Trump’s attack on Syria. Invoking a line from the song “First We Take Manhatten”, by the late Canadian poet-singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen, Williams described the Tomahawk cruise missiles as they lifted off of the decks of the U.S. warships, as “beautiful pictures in the night”. His description of the cruise missiles seemed almost orgasmic if not religious in nature. It was a reminder of something Leonard Cohen himself once said about that song when he revealed its meaning in an interview. Cohen commented, “I think it means exactly what it says. It is a terrorist song…There’s something about terrorism that I’ve always admired; the fact that there are no alibis or no compromises. That position is always attractive”.
Brian Williams and Leonard Cohen’s remarks call to mind a particular scene from the 1970 sci-fi movie “Planet of the Apes” that involved a so-called Alpha-Omega Bomb. This large atomic bomb, designated as a “Doomsday Bomb”, was only to be used as a last result by the few remaining human survivors left on earth who referred to it as The Divine Bomb. It had been placed at the altar of what used to be St. Patrick’s Cathedral in the irradiated ruins of New York City. This ‘Divine Bomb’ was venerated by a subspecies of psychic mutant-humans who religiously safeguarded the missile and its operational launch system. The mutants believed they owed their very existence to this missile and worshipped it as a deity. They wore specifically designated latex masks to hide their grotesque features and only during their liturgical services to worship the bomb would they ever take off their masks to, “reveal their innermost selves unto their God”.
The implication being that what Trump’s reckless military adventures says about the innermost nature of the United States as a whole – its politicians, citizenry and violent history – is that it demonstrates a very violent society and way of life that has been constantly fixated upon war since its very origins and probably won’t ever change until, in the end, it finally extinguishes itself and, in the process, unfortunately, possibly the entire world at the same time.
Rather than primarily devote its enormous national wealth, resources and attention on non-violent countries and peaceful solutions to the many problems of the world that would otherwise lead to a different, more tranquil world and human being way of life, every year the United States instead happily and willingly devotes the vast bulk of its national GDP wealth and life blood of its people upon war materials, the conducting of war, while favoring the funding of those societies in the world – like Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and others – who practice the same violent ideology.
Even now, with the ink on the words written about the Trump Administration’s ‘First 100 Days’ not yet even dry, President Trump chose to violate international law yet again with his decision to drop the MOAB (Mother of All Bombs) on the sovereign country of Afghanistan. Which begs the obvious question: Does the United States, who already has long since before now repeatedly violated United Nation principles of international law and sovereignty in the case of Afghanistan in particular, now deems itself free to forever, repeatedly, illegally, invade Afghanistan or whatever other country America may have previously illegally invaded, without ever being concerned about continuing to violate that country’s sovereign rights? Would that also mean that since the U.S. once attacked North Korea some 67 years ago during the Korean War that it also now has the same right to unilaterally bomb North Korea if it so desires?
Furthermore, the United States violation of international law and Syrian and Afghanistan sovereignty raises still yet another pressing question. A field estimate of the effect of the MOAB’s devastation is that approximately 94 Afghans were said to have been killed as a result, at a cost of some $335 million dollars (cost of the MOAB), which means the Afghans killed roughly cost the American taxpayer 3.5 million dollars each. Outside of the absurd cost involved, this gives one to cause to further pause and wonder that since the so-called War ON Terror, that began after 9/11, has since turned into what now could instead be characterized as a perpetual War OF Terror, has America’s new unprecedented ‘Mother of All Bombs’ blast, rather than eliminate 94 hostile ‘enemies’ or ‘terrorists’ of the so-called ‘free world’, instead, in point of fact, only serve as a recruitment tool to further enlist yet another 94, 940 or 9,400 new enemies or terrorists of the future? If so, where or when does all the madness end?
Playing to the growing alt-right movement of the Deep State in America and among its allies, that seemingly continues to lust for evermore blood beyond the latest preemptive military strikes in Syria and Afghanistan, Trump has wasted no time in further threatening the next step that America perhaps intends to take in an obvious escalation towards a potential nuclear confrontation with all its enemies.
An unequivocal signal was sent to countries like North Korea, China, Russia and Iran, when Trump menacingly declared, however softly, “If China is not going to solve North Korea, WE WILL!” Trump punctuating his menacing threat to virtually the entire world when he tacked onto the end of his brash declarative three simple letters that speak so loudly of so many things to so many nations and peoples; Trump uttering with a hard glare, “If China is not going to solve North Korea, we will”, while adding for its intended effect, “USA!” Previous to this utterance, in still yet another press conference, Trump further stated as an unambiguous warning, to any and all who were listening, something about the United States future new resolve in the world when he uttered, again in a soft yet firm tone, with the same hard, cold glare, “Russia is a strong country, but the United States is a VERY, VERY strong country!” Such statements serve as a reminder to many of what other U.S. President’s, like President Theodore Roosevelt, once similarly stated about America’s long-standing arrogant, aggressive foreign policies. President Roosevelt, in his day, uttering what became known as, “Speak Softly Yet Carry a BIG STICK!”
Even now, over the Nevada desert, the United States continues to speed up advanced tests on the ability of an F-16 bomber to carry and drop America’s next ‘BIG STICK’, an upgraded B61-12 nuclear bomb that will have even greater penetration than the MOAB.
The human world, thanks to ‘The American Way’, continues to be in a state of endless free fall! Perhaps, though, the next giant asteroid that rushes headlong out of the universe on a collision course with planet earth won’t miss us like recently did the 2,000 foot long asteroid 2014JO25 on April 19th. Dubbed The Rock, after actor Dwayne Johnson, that was said to be larger than Chicago’s ‘Willis Tower’, asteroid 2014JO25’s’ flyby’ came within a mere one million miles, a near-miss by cosmic standards. Earth may not be so lucky with the next ‘flyby’, in which case, unless the Trump administration also has a similar Terminal High Altitude Air defense missile system in place against asteroids, whatever concerns the world may have about the future, one way or the other, may be purely academic.

Jerome Irwin is a freelance writer and author of “The Wild Gentle Ones; A Turtle Island Odyssey” (, a three volume account of his travels as a spiritual sojourner, during the 1960’s, 70’s & 80’s, among Native Americans & First Nations in North America. It encompasses the Spiritual Renaissance & Liberation Movements among native peoples throughout North America during the civil rights era. More recently, Irwin authored a series of articles on the “NODAPL/KEYSTONE XL/CLIMATE CHANGE” protests against the United States Government. Irwin also is the publisher of The Wild Gentle Press.


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