Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Prince Andrew gets right royal telling off over Trump & Brexit comments

Britain’s sixth in line to the throne Prince Andrew has found himself in the middle of yet another etiquette blunder after reportedly claiming a Donald Trump victory in the US presidential election, coupled with Brexit, would “tear things apart.”
Commentators and Leave-supporting politicians were quick to accuse the prince of political meddling. Convention states members of the royal family do not express political opinions.
There was a vote here recently where we agreed to leave one organization, and there’s a man in the US who it seems wants to leave every organization,” Prince Andrew said during a private business dinner at Windsor Castle last week.
“Combined, they could tear things apart.”
It is thought that topics surrounding Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union are even more taboo in Buckingham Palace. During the referendum campaign the Queen’s press team furiously denied claims that Her Majesty supported the Leave vote.
Brexiteer and Labour MP John Mann said of the prince’s faux pas: “He cannot have it both ways. He cannot have all the privileges of being in the royal family and then get involved in politics.”
“I don’t think he carries any influence with his views, but for someone who has been globetrotting promoting the UK it is rather an odd thing to be saying.
“We should be cooling the temperature rather than raising it further,” he told the Daily Mail.
It is expected the divorce from Brussels will cost the Crown £1 million (US$1.24 million) a year in EU farm subsidies.
Her Majesty’s Sandringham estate receives around £700,000 a year in grounds and residence maintenance. A further £300,000 is sent from Brussels for the land around Windsor Castle.
Prince Charles’ Duchy of Cornwall is also threatened by the end of EU handouts, as it currently receives £129,000 a year.
Buckingham Palace decline to comment on the matter.


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