Sickeningly Obvious Note To Drumpf: Skittles Are Candy. Refugees Are People. Duh.
Who ARE these cretins? Going as low as any "family of pond scum grifters" can go, greasy-haired elephant-killing mini-Drumpf has followed up on his latest Holocaust joke to moronically compare desperate Syrian refugees to...poisoned Skittles, in order to warn us of the dangers therein. We can't even. Neither can Twitter, which erupted with an abundance of bitter outraged jokes about eating refugees, nefarious orange Skittles, and dangerous multi-colored anything in this clean white nation of ours.
Samples: "If I had a bowl of #skittles and only one of them represented @realDonaldTrump, I'd throw them all away...I think we should stop eating any #skittles. Just until we find out what's going on....We hit the #skittles moral compass meter for the election one week sooner than I had anticipated. Reese's is now on the clock...Thanks for the analogy, Jr. This really simplifies what I mistakenly considered a complex moral dilemma." The manufacturers of Skittles likewise skewered the post with a brisk and dignified rebuke:"Skittles are candy. Refugees are people." Like, duh.
With his grossly racist generalization, some note, little Donald perfectly reflects what's been termed "the irrational monstrosity of bigotry." En route, he ignores the vital strengthsimmigrants have historically brought to this country, those they continue to bring, and current statistics consistently dismissing his fear-mongering as ignorant hogwash: Even the right-wing Cato Institute finds that "the chance of an American being murdered in a terrorist attack caused by a refugees is 1 in 3.64 billion per year” - never mind the higher odds of dying at the hands of this country's Timothy McVeighs.
The icing on the moronic cake: It turns out Donny stole the image - from a Greek-Cypriot refugee and photographer who blasts his "pure greed" - and likewise stole the metaphor's language from another sociopath, Tea Party goon Joe Walsh of Illinois. And in an entirely apt karmic twist, Walsh, it seems, stole it from the Nazis - specifically, "Jew-Baiter Number One"Julius Streicher, an author, newspaper publisher and Hitler favorite who repeatedlycalled for the extermination of the Jews.
He explained why in his popular children's book, where little Franz' mother warns him of the dangers of certain mushrooms in their woods: “Yes, my child! Just as a single poisonous mushrooms can kill a whole family, so a solitary Jew can destroy a whole village, a whole city, even an entire Volk (nation).” Streicher washanged at Nuremburg in 1946 for crimes against humanity.
For now, alas, the Drumpfs are still with us.
Lifejackets on display in London representing refugees who died trying to reach Europe. Photo by Daniel Leal-Olivas/Agence France-Presse/ Getty Images
Trying to get the world to listen. Not a Skittle.
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