The Goldwater Girl and the Wall Street Girl
They are one and the same in Hillary. The Goldwater girl is the one who rooted for Goldwater’s racism and is also now the Wall St. girl.
It is said of Trump that what you see is what you get. With Hillary what you see is what you don’t get. Trump provides some clarity, albeit distasteful, but shows what America has been and still largely is. This may lead to conflict upon election which may lead to change, the 1960s again! Hillary is not what you see—she will lead to thousands of people killed in her illegal invasions abroad, as her history makes clear but she obfuscates today, all the more reason she is dangerous. She already the other day again said that she will get rid of President Assad. Yet she cries foul about her election here influenced by Russia.
She toppled governments already, as did Panetta, the former CIA chief who had the gall to appear at the DNC, showing how ignorant Americans are of history. Secretaries of State and the CIA have in modern times striven to overthrow the elected leaders of Venezuela and Honduras. Previously there was the assassination of the leader of the Congo, Lumumba; that of the elected president of Chile, Allende; that of Diem of Vietnam; and the overthrow of the leader of Iran and that of Guatemala in the early 1950s, to name a few more.
Hillary even glaringly laughed on TV about killing the leader of Libya. Watch the clip with Lesley Stahl interviewing her. That in itself shows she is not mentally fit to be president. But then Albright, a former Secretary of State who also should be behind bars, supports Hillary and also had the gall to appear at the DNC, said on TV in an interview that the price of our involvement in the 500,000 children dead in Iraq in the early 1990s from sanctions was “worth it.” Where is William Blum when we need him? He and others are the experts on exposing our overthrowing of governments and our slaughtering of millions.
Hillary did not defend Cindy Sheehan, the Gold Star mother whose son was killed in the Iraq invasion and wanted to meet with Bush to ask what the noble cause was that led to the death of her son. Bush did not tell her, but his underlings derided her and called her a clown, etc. The Khans should also have asked Hillary what the cause was that their son died for and that she voted for, instead of being used as props by her for political gain.
All this belies the notion that because Hillary has a uterus she will do for women and children. She has not and she will not. The same could have been said of Albright, or even of Thatcher and other murderous women leaders. It is the same as saying that I should have voted for Ted Cruz because of his last name, whereas he has nothing to do with the interests of Hispanics and in fact is against them in his policies, though some Hispanics were fooled and voted for him because of his name. Hillary’s bloodthirsty and warmongering past means war in the future and more murders of women and children, not to mention men.
The similarly bloodthirsty drone Obama had the gall as well to say that she needs to be elected to complete his work. At first in 2008 it was that of hope and change. It did not happen, so he urged voters to let him in 2012 complete what he started. After 8 years he still has not done what he promised he would do in 2008—close Guantanamo and immigration reform and there is still no single payer health care. Apparently he and Hillary take us for fools, and they are basically right.
Her husband also spoke at the DNC and narrated how he met her, but neglected to say he met someone who was proud of being a Goldwater girl. Apparently he had no trouble with that fact, and thus later for his presidential political gain carried out the death sentence of a lobotomized black individual, Ricky Ray Rector in Arkansas.
The Goldwater girl that was in her throughout some 30 years came out in her reference to young blacks as “super-predators” who should (animal-like) be brought “to heel.” She was brazen enough to say that, after she used blacks as props in 1992 who voted for Bill. Then in 1996 she again made fools of blacks in her approval of the dismantling of poverty programs. Then again she uses them today as props.
Take it from the horse’s mouth, so to speak. Wall Street supports Hillary. The Koch brothers themselves said they will too if her actions belie her rhetoric, and her actions certainly belie her rhetoric. That says it all. The Kochs are not apt to throw away billions. They are giddy as we sleepwalk to her coronation. Now we have the spectacle of the media actually shouting recently that she is 3 points ahead of Trump, then 6 points, then 10 points!
It may be better to put up the barricades with Trump as president than for us to die from the blowback of terrorism here and thousands die elsewhere with Hillary as president. Bernie, alas, sold his soul to the devil, as Trump calls her.
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