Thursday, 11 August 2016

Assange Strongly Implies DNC Staffer Was Murdered for Being Wikileaks Source


In an interview with Dutch television show Nieuwsuur, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange strongly implied that a DNC staffer murdered in July was his source for the leaked DNC emails and hinted that he may have been killed for that reason.
“Whistleblowers go to significant efforts to get us material, and often very significant risks,” Assange said. “As a 27-year-old, works for the DNC, was shot in the back, murdered just a few weeks ago for unknown reasons as he was walking down the street in Washington.”
“That was just a robbery I believe, wasn’t it?” asked the host, referring to the death of DNC data analyst Seth Rich.
“No,”Assange said. “There’s no finding.”
“So what are you suggesting?” asked the host.
“I’m suggesting that our sources take risks,” Assange replied. But when asked point-blank whether Rich was a Wikileaks source, Assange refused to confirm or deny it.
The interview came the same day that Wikileaks offered a $20,000 reward to anyone who could offer information about Rich’s death. The offer appeared to intentionally play into a budding conspiracy theory that Rich was murdered by Hillary Clinton or one of her supporters.
Watch above, via Nieuwsuur.


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