What racism is - and isn't
Maher Mughrabi
There has been a lot of dancing on the head of a semantic pin in recent days, so it seems like a good time for us to come clean about racism – what it is and what it isn't.
A lot of people in Australia seem to think it is tremendously clever to say that you "cannot be racist against Muslims because Islam is not a race, it's a religion".
What a load of codswallop. And yet one writer went further, saying that all those bandying around accusations of racism should have realised by now that there is no such thing as race, as "the very notion ... is incoherent".
Hey presto! Without a coherent object, racism is eliminated as a phenomenon!! Let joy be unconfined!
You can't be racist against Italians, because Italians aren't a race, they are a nationality. (This should have been on posters here in the 1950s.)
You can't be racist against Jews, for the same reason that you can't be racist against Muslims.If only it were simply a matter of race as something that does or doesn't exist. But it isn't.
Racism is about how we think of ourselves – and others.
In most countries of the world, when people think of their own kind they automatically grasp that one individual's guilt is not automatically borne by all his fellow citizens.
In Australia, for example, white people's sense of themselves as a collective full of distinct individuals, each with their own foibles and virtues, organises the way almost everything is discussed in public and on the media.
The flipside of this is "blackness" – the way that, when someone who is not "white" commits a criminal act, espouses a controversial cause or becomes involved in terrorism, discussion almost inevitably turns not only to that individual but to the entire group from which they are deemed to come.
Many people have been quick to point out that Muslims come from many different countries and faith traditions, in addition to the fact that there are Muslims of all ethnicities (and it should be pointed out that people of all ethnicities are becoming Muslims, every day).
But this is not how they are discussed in Australian life. Here, the distinctions between different kinds of Muslims are routinely erased and what is foregrounded is their common faith. And furthermore it is understood or argued that decisions about them can be made on this collective basis.
Much has been said about the importance of discrimination (in the sense of having rules and criteria) when it comes to this country's immigration. That is certainly a conversation worth having.
But that is not what Andrew Bolt and Sonia Kruger (and Donald Trump) are talking about.
What they are talking about is using a single fact – the fact that someone's background is Muslim – as a basis to disqualify that person from entering countries. The fact of being Muslim is given uniform significance and absolute importance, on the basis that the kind of discrimination that others think is necessary is either not possible or is beyond our current capabilities.
You can call that "essentialised prejudice", or "in-group bias" or "infrahumanisation". But if we are going to speak plainly and honestly, that's racism.
Maher Mughrabi is the Foreign Editor of The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.
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