Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Kerry: Iran’s Presence in Iraq ‘Helpful’ to ISIS War

Says US Recognizes 'Common Interest' With Iran

by Jason Ditz

So while he may be stating the fairly obvious, Secretary of State John Kerry made some very controversial statements today when he said that Iran was “helpful” in the war against ISIS, and acknowledged that they and the US have “a common interest” in ISIS’ defeat.
US special envoy to the ISIS War Brent McGurk had issued his own statement earlier in the day about the Shi’ite militias in Iraq, claiming that “about 15%-20%” have gone rogue in the battle in Iraq, saying they are a “fundamental problem.”
The militias include a lot of recruits from Iran, and are backed heavily by the Iranian government. The largest militia, the Badr Brigade, is extremely powerful within the Iraqi government, reflecting the close ties between Iranian-backed factions and the ruling coalition.


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