The destruction of Palestine to create Israel
BDS Gipuzkoa BDZ / The Dawn News
“Kill any Arab you find, burn every flammable object and force the doors open with explosives.”
— Mordechai Maklef, chief of the Carmeli brigade, who went on the become Chief of Staff of the Israeli Army
— Mordechai Maklef, chief of the Carmeli brigade, who went on the become Chief of Staff of the Israeli Army
“We must make clear that there’s no place for both peoples… Once the Arabs are transferred, the country will open up to us… The only solution is a Land of Israel… without Arabs. Not a single village nor tribe must be left.”
— Weitz, 1940. First director of the Department of Settlements of the Jewish National Fund
“Ben Gurion was right… Without the eviction of Palestinians, there would never have been a Jewish state… There are circumstances in history that justify an ethnic cleansing.”
— Benny Morris, historian
Zionism has been successful in labeling as complex a colonizing process that was in fact very simple.
May 15 is the Nakba (Catastrophe) Day, which reminds how the State of Israel was created with the expulsion of 750,000 Palestinians, massacres and massive destruction. Nowadays, two thirds of the 11 million Palestinians that exist are refugees or internally displaced, whom Israel denies the right to come back.
The name of Palestine was erased from the map and from History in 1948. Israel invaded 80 percent of Palestine through colonization and ethnic cleansing of the native Palestinian population but the Zionist project of obtaining the biggest part of Palestine with the smallest number of population possible for their Jewish state was incomplete. To fulfill this project the Nakba still continues to this day, with the blockade and bombings on Gaza, illegal murders, demolition of houses, massive imprisonments —including child prisoners—, permanent theft of land and water and apartheid. That ideology hasn’t changed.
The state of Israel was founded thanks to the support of the US and Europe, which continue to be their main accomplices and guarantee its total impunity. For 68 years they have systematically vulnerated the fundamental rights and freedoms of the Palestine population and their aggressions are bigger and bigger every day. The immunity that the international community conceded them on April 1948 still continues to this day.
“The Palestinian Nakba is unparallelled in history. An occupied country by a foreign minority, completely emptied from its population, its physical and cultural references devastated, its destruction acclaimed as if it were a miraculous and divine act and a victory of freedom and civilization, all of this in line with a premeditated plan, meticulously executed, with economic and political support from outside and is still sustained today —all of that makes it, without a doubt, a unique case” (Abu Sitta, 1998).
We have to stop the Nakba.
Like Nelson Mandela used to say, we know very well that our freedom is not complete without freedom of Palestinian people. The resistance against the occupation of Palestine is a global issue, that affects us more than it seems. The zionist state of Israel has contributed greatly to the militarization of the planet and the Middle East destabilization, and supposes a grave danger, also nuclear, for peace and world stability. Using the Occupied Territories of Palestine as a laboratory to test and perfect its military industry, it has made repression an industry that is then exported to other governments and private institutions.
It’s not possible to take an equidistant stance between the occupier and the occupied, between the colonizer and the colonized. In reality, there’s a right side and a wrong side. And you decide on which one you are: with justice or with injustice. If you want to be on the side of human rights and international law, support the Boycott, Disinvestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel.
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