Monday, 25 April 2016

Vote Hillary To Stop Don: That’s A Stance Based On Privilege, Racism, Solipsism

By Robert Barsocchini

Democrats who tell us we must vote for Hillary as the ‘lesser of two evils’ are speaking from a position of privilege and racism.

Their privilege means they don’t have to live under the Corporate Empire’s bombs, terrorism, and aggression, which they often support, and their racism means they have little if any consideration for the unpeople who do.

Thus, to them, Hillary and Donald are two separate entities that represent different levels of domestic evil – evil that can effect them – and they see Donald as worse.

True, Donald and Hillary are both evil, but to people who reject ethnocentrism and solipsism, they are essentially one evil: racist, US corporate imperialists eager to keep spilling foreign blood and killing anyone who gets in the way of a dollar. (For those unaware, here is Hillary’s long and heinous record on this.) Yes, there are some nuances: Don may be worse for the environment, but Hillary is more likely to cause a nuclear confrontation. Neither method of global destruction is ‘less evil’.

The lesser evil, then, is to ignore these monsters and their misguided supporters and build a movement to supplant both them and the system of bribery and oligarchy they have helped create, and in which they thrive and fester.

In the short term, Hillary/Donald and their cronies will continue to murder and torture worldwide.

But in the long term, once we ignore and supplant them with a mass movement that a) has not been dispersed by thinking it has to peter out and support one of them, and b) is dedicated to ending bribery, oligarchy, and US international terror and aggression, then everyone, not just Westerners, will be much better off.

The party is over, Hillary/Democrat-backers. It is time to climb down from the ivory tower, take a look around, and throw in for the actual lesser evil. The world (it really is out there) can no longer wait.

Robert Barsocchini is an internationally published author who focuses on force dynamics, national and global, and also writes professionally for the film industry. Updates on Twitter. Author’s essay ‘The Agility of Tyranny: Historical Roots of Black Lives Matter’.


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