Wednesday, 2 March 2016

The Cult of Hillary, the Ultimate Junk Bond


Why do so many black Americans support Hillary Clinton? Stockholm Syndrome. They are faithful battered wives. They are yoked to Hillary by co-dependency: “I’ve stuck by you and suffered to do so for so long that you owe me, and I have faith that you will reward me later if I help you reach your goal now.”
In their minds they have no such guarantee from Bernie Sanders (and of course from Hillary such a guarantee is an illusion). It is clear that Bernie Sanders has been successful without being dependent on them up to now. So (again, in their minds) he owes them nothing, and thus cannot be counted on to reward them after the election for their support during it.
What this sad diminished thinking shows is a lack of confident independence, an inability to reason that the best estimator of Bernie Sanders’ future trustworthiness is the consistency of his commitment to their fundamental cause for over half a century.
One has to acknowledge the detestable brilliance of the Wall Street and 1%-ist strategy of political purchase: own Hillary and Obama who in turn have enchained so many proletarian minds to their identity-politics personality cults: Pied Pipers leading their trusting conga lines into the Wall Street abattoir.
If the Democratic Party apparatchiks (the paid minions of the 1%-ist oligarchs) can beat back the hostile-takeover Sanders insurgency of popular and populist democracy, and put Hillary Clinton forward as the party’s champion in the general electoral joust, then President Trump will be inaugurated in January 2017. The Democratic Party apparatchiks are first and foremost fighting to preserve their patronage positions (to hell with the country). A President Trump is no threat to their ambitions, but a nominee Sanders — whether subsequently president or not — would mean that a revolution had occurred in the Democratic Party, and the Obama-Clinton apparatchik gravy-train derailed.
I find it depressing to see so many “regular people” chaining themselves so emotionally and naively to the Hillary personality cult, and feeling so uplifted by this delusion. Perhaps the single biggest weakness of Bernie Sanders campaign is that it relies on there being a sufficient majority of healthy independent minds capable of critical thinking. I sure hope there are.
The Trump and Sanders campaigns are two wings of a general popular revulsion to the corporate-owned apparatchik management of the government. Given a choice between keeping the government in the hands of the “old guard” (Hillary or the Republican second-stringers) or handing it over to “the rebels” (Sanders or Trump), the country’s 99% will choose a rebel. The “future” will not be denied, the big question is: what kind of future?
Since it now looks likely that Donald Trump’s right-nationalist insurgency will capture the Republican Party throne, the national election could be one of two types of contests. It could be a choice between “a future” of Trump’s bombastic right-nationalism, or “more of the past” of Hillary’s equivocal incrementalist scheming under Wall Street supervision. Trump would win that contest, AND the Big Money would retain control of the Democratic Party. The other possible national contest would be a choice between Sanders’ and Trump’s visions of the future. Sanders would win that contest, which would be a Glorious Revolution for America indeed.
The Democratic and Republican Party conventions occur in late July, about 5 months from now. Much can happen between now and then.
Manuel Garcia, Jr, once a physicist, is now a lazy househusband who writes out his analyses of physical or societal problems or interactions. He can be reached at


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