The Legacy of George W Bush: 10 Million Refugees and 250,000 Deaths over the Past Five Years
By Anthony Bellchambers
Many believe that the root cause of the current forced mass movement of people and the loss of life that it has entailed, can be traced back to the fraudulent Middle East wars that destabilised the region; orchestrated by an incompetent US president, G W Bush and his British cohort, Tony Blair. Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan have, to date, borne the brunt of this human tide of refugees but the whole of Europe is now having to deal with the severe financial and political impact upon social housing, medical and educational services – and, of course, jobs.
The individual responsible for this biblical-scale migration is the now 70 year old former baseball team owner, ex-president G W Bush who took America to two disastrously failed wars against Afghanistan and Iraq. His presidency has been ranked amongst the worst in US history. This is a man who had difficulty speaking English: who had no known personal assets but was elected to high office by an accident of history and thereby changed the world irrevocably for the worse. Millions have died as a consequence of the actions of this one single American cowboy who still personifies the banality of US politics at its worst.
Meanwhile, nearly a third of the world is embroiled in increasing conflict as we reap still the whirlwind of the actions of this caricature of a US Republican statesman.
The fear, today, is that the world might yet have to endure another one.
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