‘Blackwater Mercenaries’ Are Fighting For Saudi Arabia In Yemen
Saudi Arabia has been using paid mercenaries from around the world to gain a competitive edge in it's failing offensive in Yemen, including, according to a Yemeni Army Spokesman, the infamous BlackWater.
SANAA, Yemen — A spokesman for the Yemeni army told Russian media that
hundreds of mercenaries are fighting in his country on behalf of Saudi Arabia and its allies.
“They hire poor people from around the world to take part in the hostilities.
Among them are Somalis and people from Sudanese tribes,” Brig. Gen. Sharaf
Ghalib Luqman told the state-operated Russian news agency RIA Novosti,
“However, there are also Europeans, Americans, Colombians.
These are contractors
from a structure known as Blackwater.
This division includes around 400 people.”
The private security firm formerly known as Blackwater Worldwide became notorious
for providing thousands of mercenaries to the U.S. war in Iraq, some of whom were
later implicated in war crimes. In September 2007, Blackwater mercenaries
opened fire at an Iraqi checkpoint, killing 17, in what would become
known as the Nisour Square massacre. Four former Blackwater employees
were convicted of the killings in October 2014.
Despite Luqman’s assertions, the employers of the mercenaries fighting in Yemen
remain somewhat unclear. Blackwater became Xe Services in 2009. Following a
company restructuring and change in ownership, the company was renamed the
Academi in 2011. At that time, founder Erik Prince officially left the company
but retained the rights to the name Blackwater.
A Dec. 10 report from Iran’s PressTV, citing Yemeni news sources, claimed
who currently control the Yemeni government. PressTV reported that
Nicholas Petros, “was killed along with a group of mercenaries fighting for the
Saudi regime in its war on Yemen.”
Kane Hippisley-Gatherum, writing in December for Middle Eastern news site
Al Bawaba, noted that the Academi’s website makes no mention of these recent deaths,
Hippisley-Gatherum suggests that the mercenaries were hired from another global
security corporation by an ally of the Saudis in their war against the Houthis:
“A company called Reflex Responses (R2) reportedly had the contract with
the UAE, and Prince does not own or run that company. He did, however,
work to oversee the efforts to train and recruit troops. The New York
Times reported last month that Prince has left his role in the UAE program
several years ago.
… [I]t appears evident that ‘Blackwater’ troops did not recently die in Yemen.
The UAE recently deployed hundreds of its mercenaries, many of them
Colombian, to fight in Yemen. The New York Times reported that it was
the first combat deployment of the private army which Prince helped set up
with R2.”
Ultimately, Hippisley-Gatherum concludes: “Press TV may have reported that they
were with Blackwater, but given that the company in charge is actually R2, and
that Prince allegedly doesn’t hold a role there anymore, that is clearly not the case.”
Regardless of who issues their paychecks, it does seem clear from multiple
media reports that foreign mercenaries are fighting — and dying — in Yemen.
Their deaths are part of a bloody conflict that’s also claimed the lives of at least
began in March 2015.
posted by Satish Sharma at 04:59
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