Sunday, 13 December 2015

US State Department Gets Undiplomatic with Russian TV Reporter Video

RT Reporter Gayane Chichakyan shows US reporters how real questioning is conducted and the proof of her effectiveness is shown by US State Department representative John Kirby losing his composure and insulting the reporter and the TV network she works for along with the country of Russia.

Note how the State Department spokesperson continually dodges the question while the reporter stays on point. As she reiterates the main point of the question that wasn't answered John Kirby shows his frustration with the line of questioning and then resorts to insults and demagoguery. This is classic deflection technique. The reporter continues to remain professional and once again reiterates the question at hand. For a third time the question is dodged and the State Department spokesperson embarrasses the United States by exhibiting characteristics that are considered unprofessional in global diplomatic protocol. Simply put, his loss of compose and dodging of the question combined with resorting to insults provide a disservice to the US citizens that he represents.

An insufficient answer to the question is given by Kirby at the 5:55 mark in the video and is unsatisfactory due to the fact that the Iraqi government has stated on record that they do not welcome the Turkish troops on their territory. Link here:

State Department Gets Undiplomatic with Russian TV Reporter
By Bradley Klapper
WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S.-Russian tensions broke out in undiplomatic fashion in an unlikely place Thursday: the State Department briefing room.

What began with a series of tough, if suggestive, questions from a correspondent for Russian government-funded news ended with department spokesman John Kirby delivering an uncharacteristically severe indictment of Russian military activity in Syria and press conduct.
Kirby also unloaded on the RT television channel and its reporter, Gayane Chichakyan.
"I can't believe that you aren't embarrassed to ask these questions," Kirby said several minutes into the back-and-forth with Chichakyan, whose questioning has previously prompted sharp — if more restrained — exchanges. "You have to be looking at these questions and almost laughing to yourself, don't you? They're absolutely crazy."

The subject was the ongoing Turkish-Iraqi spat over Turkish military forces in Iraq. Turkey has stationed troops near Mosul since 2014, but the arrival of additional servicemen last week prompted an uproar in Baghdad, forcing Turkey to halt the new deployment.

Chichakyan asked if the U.S. was somehow responsible because it wants nations to send personnel into Syria and Iraq to fight the Islamic State.

Kirby said all U.S. military assistance in Iraq is coordinated with Iraq's government, and any suggestion otherwise is "just a completely baseless charge."

"I don't think it's worth having any more discussions about it," he said.
But the conversation continued.

When Chichakyan asked why the U.S. was essentially saying, "It's none of our business," Kirby shot back, "Again, another ridiculous question." He said the U.S. was letting Turkey and Iraq work out their differences so everyone else can focus on fighting IS — "which, by the way, the Russians aren't doing."

Washington says Moscow's airstrikes since September have focused on shoring up Syrian President Bashar Assad's government and not, as the Russians claim, with defeating IS.

After Chichakyan demanded to know which of the questions were "ridiculous," Kirby expanded his critique.

"You can ask whatever you want. ... You can do that here in the United States," he said. "But I don't see you asking those same questions of your own government about ISIL in Syria. And I would really like to see those questions get asked."

Chichakyan told The Associated Press after the briefing, "I am not embarrassed."


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