1,000 Leading Black Activists Demand Justice for Palestine
When I discovered this article on a website of Mazin Qumsiyeh a pacifist, Christian Scholar, Naturalist History Museum director, Palestinian, I thought it was a great breakthrough in the usual rant in the US about blacks being the most oppressed while the Zionists use the same trip-tic, one down argument, to claim they are the victims (of attacks). Well in one sense plopping down in the middle of Arab lands and disputing any and all Arab or Muslim or liberal unity for Pan Arabism the Israelis are right, they are being attacked – justifiably so. But like other colonial powers and land grabbers they claim victimization.
This document (published in August) is a step up from the US black street kids who may well rage and protest but need a lift to an international level.
In the midst of early days of Ferguson, there were also a few voices from the Black and the Palestinian communities who spoke up and said; “What you get here is what we get there.” Not only literally but actually since Zionist Israeli methods for repressive control are taught to US police and the interlocking connections of the US military manufacture of weapons and materials of destruction are united in many points with Israeli entrepreneurs who also buy US politicians. (Don’t exaggerate my Mother said). So I have to point out the horrific vote of the US Congress the House of Reps are people closer to their constituencies then the Senators, yet all voted to support Israeli’s turkey shoot the third or was it the forth time in Gaza.
What this statement signed by 1000 black intellectuals and others means is that there is a level of perception higher then the street kick-back – all of which one celebrates but we know that those kids are perfect targets for the militarized US police, the one time military soldiers now in blue love to use their weapons. We used to say in Vietnam days “Bring the war home” and they did, but it was the Iraq and Afghanistan and now Libya, Syrian warfare. Oppressing your own people must go back to the Native Americans and then the black slaves. Must be in the DNA of the Empires origins else how does it continue with counter productive assaults all over the world: Habit or the necessary function of an Empire? I repeat Tariq Ali’s observation: “Americans don’t like to use the term imperialism” and I add they avoid the term Empire. How can this wonderful country full of green (I live in California San Francisco which during the drought it was gorgeous) admit to being the major barbarians of this era? To name the Empire, as the brute is to have trouble getting breakfast when we invent only puny efforts to resist or find rather then find an operative position that grasps the gangling of the gargoyle.
This statement by 1000 blacks – not just a few University folks many of them united at least on a document published in Ebony Magazine – not your revolutionary messenger nevertheless when the brutality is so rabid ordinary protest & individual exploits don’t suffice, it’s collaborative and united efforts that are essential. Old song here a “People United will never be…” the song is off; A radicalized progressive socialist or anti-Empyreal movement is not made up of all the people only those who are ready to move and are moving. Sorry, I think Lenin wrote the militant working class are the troops, not the working class per se. The militants that’s a special group wherein all sorts of people can join.
This 1000 person statement also makes it easier to face up to opportunists in many colors and ethnicities and sexual orientation and say: “Get back and off the bus.”
Which way forward– bash Israel or bash the Empire? Arundhati Roy said “You in the belly of the beast’ are the ones who can act. I think this is doubtful since every protest is yet another twisted media event illustrating the wonders of democratic opposition nevertheless small, useless and irrelevant. I propose: Only outside efforts forces the US to hiccup. The neo-cons can’t understand English they do however understand some Russian and even Chinese nowadays. Do they hear Cubans thinking? Doubt it the double cross is part of US policy.
Hail to the 1000 may it be joined by another thousand of various militant types. Is it possible for the militants to join the Palestinian directed BDS campaign? Who has suggestions on how to shrink the Empire?
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