Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Mexican government slammed after paying James Bond Spectre makers $28 million

    Entertainment reporter

The Mexican government is under fresh fire after it was revealed to have paid the makers of James Bond $AU28 million to portray Mexico City in a flattering light.

Hacked Sony emails in March revealed producers were offered tax rebates and financial incentives from local government and tourism bodies to change the script of new film Spectre to omit Mexican henchmen and corrupt police.

The opening four minutes of the movie, out this month, shows British spy James Bond at Mexico City's Day of the Dead festival in what are heavily edited scenes after private groups lobbied the studio to change the script.
According to a report by Taxanalysts.com, the studio, which was facing a strained budget, capitulated and agreed to ensure the film's assassin was not Mexican, the assassin's target was an "international figurehead" instead of the mayor of Mexico City, and Mexican police be replaced with a "special police force".

The move has angered local activists, who are calling on the Mexican government to justify why they spent tens of millions of taxpayers dollars on sweeping the country's problems "under the carpet".
Mexican actress Stephanie Sigman, pictured with Daniel Craig, was also part of the "Mexican deal".
Mexican actress Stephanie Sigman, pictured with Daniel Craig, was also part of the "Mexican deal". Photo: MGM
"The government demanded 007 brush this country's problems under the carpet robbing those who need that money most of vital services," local campaigner Felipe Jurez told the UK's Mirror.
"How many teachers or doctors would that cash have provided? It is a disgrace how our leaders put Hollywood before its own people.
According to the Mirror, the move to edit scenes comes after it was recently revealed Mexican police are paid $AU108 million a month in bribes from cartel bosses.

"Poverty is so rife here, £13 million is a life changing amount for so many communities," Mr Jurez added.
"Box offices around the world will be raking in millions, what have we got to show for it - nothing."

Spectre producer Michael Wilson dismissed the Mexican deal at an emergency press conference in March and denied it had influenced the script.

"Everywhere we go, we have incentives," Wilson said.

"Sometimes they're tax incentives, sometimes they're other kinds of incentives. You can get cooperation or you get things given to you that you'd have to pay for, for free."

Included among the demands was that a "known" Mexican actress be included in the film, with Stephanie Sigman, star of 2011 thriller Miss Bala, later added.

Despite the controversy, Spectre has shattered UK box office records in its opening weekend, enjoying the biggest UK debut in history and raking in $US80 million.

Spectre opens locally on November 12.

Read more: http://www.canberratimes.com.au/entertainment/movies/mexican-government-slammed-after-paying-james-bond-spectre-makers-28-million-20151102-gkokzm.html#ixzz3qMbbCvYU 
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