It’s Not a War on Terror, it’s a War on Intelligence...
By Anthony Evans
When listening to Obama’s UN address recently I couldn’t help but get annoyed at listening to lie after lie wrapped up in new speak. I was frustrated at thinking, how could a world leader of his calibre address an international audience of other world leaders with a distorted rhetoric that any slightly informed person could very quickly see through. After examining my annoyance I realised he wasn’t addressing the world leaders present, but in fact was addressing the US corporate media for the purpose of reinforcing the US government’s cover story with the American people, and what a cover story it is i.e. we’re the good guys bringing world peace through extreme violence, creating terrorists and failed states in our wake, dividing cultures on religious and ethnic grounds, and any one that doesn’t believe in American exceptionalism and our right to police the world (regardless of international law), are our enemies.
If one accepts the cover story it makes sense to send thousands of armed young men and women to a country with no history of being a threat to America, wiping out its infrastructure, turning it into a failed state and ultimately being responsible for millions of deaths and refugees, as in the case of Libya, Iraq, and now Syria.
However, acceptance of the cover story becomes a lot more difficult when one chooses to undertake basic research into the global chess game presently being played out. When the evidence from reliable sources is analysed Obama’s cover story starts to look more like a piece of fiction equivalent to a Harry Potter story, albeit, a lot more scary.
Acceptance of a political cover story can be seen as a by-product of excessive trust, and belief in the politicians delivering it, and an almost devotional attitude to the political parties they represent. This same devotional commitment can also be seen amongst football supporters and committed followers of a particular religions. If I commit myself to becoming a Manchester United supporter then in my mind no other football team will exist, except as the enemy, and I will follow my team without question through the good and bad times; as with religion.
The publics’ inability to examine the political lies being presented to them on a daily basis, stems from this unhealthy belief and devotion they have towards political parties, and it’s this, ‘I believe’ mentality that has always been our greatest barrier to constructive public political debate. The dangers associated with this type of devotion and belief in politicians can be best summed up in the saying, “belief is the enemy of intelligence”, and how well that statement rings true.
We seem to have a compulsion to surrender to a collective social experience, governed by some form of hereditary leadership, or supposedly elected governments’, which when examined amounts to nothing more than consented slavery and it is here where the social manipulation of the masses begins.
The US Government’s interpretation of present international affairs, that is; were good guys fighting for justice and democracy in every corner of the world, forms the foundation of the cover story distributed to the masses through the government’s propaganda machine.
What the cover story is to the political and nationalistic devotee, is pretty much the same as to what the bible is to a devoted Christian. This bibliolatry like worship of a false historical narrative, and a distorted view of current affairs plays a crucial role in developing the framework for devotees to hang their programmed beliefs on e.g. the American Dream. But the government rhetoric, as with the bible, never seems to hold up well under close scrutiny or academic enquiry.
The ongoing escalation of events in the Middle East presented by Obama during his address to the UN is reinforced and distributed in various edited forms almost on a daily basis; like an ever changing bizarre script of a morning TV soapy.
Peoples’ unquestioning blind faith towards important domestic and global issues facing countries like America continues to keep populations ignorant to the real global drama currently being played out, and is bringing us ever closer to WW3. All of this is achieved through successful propagandizing and the creation of a number of false enemies as a way of exercising greater control over the population.
It has been shown time and time again that the corporate sponsored politicians are not responsible for developing the policies that govern us. The cover stories are created to support oligarchic rhetoric that is then echoed through the corporate media. All of this is only made possible through the blind faith and obedience of the followers, and the football supporter mentality they adopt.
I get surprised at respected commentators showing bewilderment at the general publics’ complete apathy towards examining glaring issues and government policies, and their acceptance of cover stories riddled with holes. However, if one understands that our human ability to surrender and become obedient to a particular god, guru, football club or political party; is the one human quality used the most to manipulate and subdue the masses, then this epidemic of apathy prevailing society becomes easier to understand.
Additionally, when we realise the long term strategy of our present global oligarchy regarding the dumbing down of populations and allowing only limited exposure to non-bias government reporting of domestic and global issues, it becomes even more evident as to why there’s such a widespread acceptance of a distorted view of reality. I think Hitler hit the nail on the head when he said; “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed”. Well the lies are certainly being toted regularly, and the magnitude of these lies would certainly be on par with, if not surpass, anything Hitler had previously delivered.
If we compare the Nuremberg rallies promoting Nazi exceptionalism with that of a Republican or Democratic Party conventions preaching a similar theme, it gets very hard to make the distinction between the two events. This lack of distinction reminds me of the end of George Orwell’s book Animal Farm where the worker animals are looking through the window at the pigs and humans arguing, and the animals looking on start to have trouble distinguishing between the two species. This inability to distinguish the good guys and the bad guys also applies very aptly when comparing a succession of US governments with terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda and ISIS.
Another comparison with the Nuremberg rallies is that our present generation seems to have the same religious like devotion to their leaders as the Germans had with Hitler, and that same unquestioning acceptance of the distorted rhetoric delivered to them.
To get a rational person to understand issues through sensible debate and presenting credible evidence is relatively easy compared to debating with someone formulating their argument based entirely on a belief system. This has been seen many times with televised debates between academics and religious believers on the topic of God, where the outcome is always a stalemate on the part of the participants.
We live in a world where truth has become the elephant in the room, and nobody wants to talk about it. There’s also our present War-On-Terror, which should be renamed to reflect its true nature to the War-On-Intelligence. If this situation is to change it will require a mass awakening and a suspension of political beliefs, as well as some active self and social enquiry.
Whether it’s possible for a Manchester United supporter to drop their team in favour of just enjoying the game at its best, or whether a political devotee could drop their party in favour of just looking the policies and issues being presented to them, it’s hard to say, but I try and stay optimistic.
Additionally, when we realise the long term strategy of our present global oligarchy regarding the dumbing down of populations and allowing only limited exposure to non-bias government reporting of domestic and global issues, it becomes even more evident as to why there’s such a widespread acceptance of a distorted view of reality. I think Hitler hit the nail on the head when he said; “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed”. Well the lies are certainly being toted regularly, and the magnitude of these lies would certainly be on par with, if not surpass, anything Hitler had previously delivered.
If we compare the Nuremberg rallies promoting Nazi exceptionalism with that of a Republican or Democratic Party conventions preaching a similar theme, it gets very hard to make the distinction between the two events. This lack of distinction reminds me of the end of George Orwell’s book Animal Farm where the worker animals are looking through the window at the pigs and humans arguing, and the animals looking on start to have trouble distinguishing between the two species. This inability to distinguish the good guys and the bad guys also applies very aptly when comparing a succession of US governments with terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda and ISIS.
Another comparison with the Nuremberg rallies is that our present generation seems to have the same religious like devotion to their leaders as the Germans had with Hitler, and that same unquestioning acceptance of the distorted rhetoric delivered to them.
To get a rational person to understand issues through sensible debate and presenting credible evidence is relatively easy compared to debating with someone formulating their argument based entirely on a belief system. This has been seen many times with televised debates between academics and religious believers on the topic of God, where the outcome is always a stalemate on the part of the participants.
We live in a world where truth has become the elephant in the room, and nobody wants to talk about it. There’s also our present War-On-Terror, which should be renamed to reflect its true nature to the War-On-Intelligence. If this situation is to change it will require a mass awakening and a suspension of political beliefs, as well as some active self and social enquiry.
Whether it’s possible for a Manchester United supporter to drop their team in favour of just enjoying the game at its best, or whether a political devotee could drop their party in favour of just looking the policies and issues being presented to them, it’s hard to say, but I try and stay optimistic.
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