Blowback: From Syria to Paris
With France’s military involvement in the Middle East, especially in Syria where a French aircraft carrier is headed (of course, to kill people), this attack on Paris, similar to attacks assisted or conducted by the West in Syria every day for years, appears, at first blush, to be classic Blowback, not unlike the horrific 9/11 attack.
The West has been meddling in the affairs of the Middle East since the Crusades and the current problems are directly related to the West carving up the Ottoman Empire into colonial controlled entities after WWI, installing and supporting cruel dictators, assisting the European Jews, Westerners, to occupy Palestinian land and supporting and assisting Israel in stealing even more Arab land ever since.
The terrorists in Paris are cold-blooded killers just like the French and Americans and assorted co-conspirator allied forces – and Russians now too, all terrorists in the Middle East! Millions killed and maimed, hundreds of thousands of refugees. No wonder they hate us!
Terror against Muslims is good. Terror against nice Westerners is bad. The West cannot have it both ways. It cannot support Saudi Arabia and Qatar that are responsible for the creation and funding of ISIS and its culture of religious intolerance and, at the same time, claim to be fighting terrorism. Oxymoronic propaganda.
American killings of people in the Middle East, the great bulk of who were merely innocent victims, provoked the 9/11 attack, so concluded the CIA. The terrorism in Paris was likely provoked by the actions of the French government in Syria. Attacked people have a strange habit of attacking back.
Things are staged perfectly right now for the possibilities of great horror. The Paris attack may be used just like 9/11 was, to escalate the violence in the Middle East; a new Pearl Harbor, again, and Don’t Forget the Maine, The Lusitania, The Gulf of Tonkin.
There is fear by informed people, how credible I do not know, that there is a serious risk of WW III breaking out. Think oil, pipeline routes, and Western elites desire to control the world’s economy, wholesale control of the whole planet.
If WW III does break out, a large number of the masses in the West will blame the other, blind to their own government’s culpability, and they will give up more and more of their liberties to their corrupt governments supposedly for their safety but all they will get are more chains, more debt and more 3rd world-like living conditions. So sad.
And, American boys, and now women, too, who are suffering economically from the policies of greedy elites, will be sent, again, as is usual, to fight the rich mans’ war; many, if not most, indoctrinated into believing that they are protecting their families and their freedoms.
The elites will cheer for the soldiers and thank them for their service while their children will be exempted from playing the great game. Their fortunes will increase even more. Millionaries will become billionaires and billionaires will become trillionaires. Thank you very much. Yeah Team!! Fight. Fight. Obey, Attack. Attack! Obey. Attack. Kill, Kill. Be killed. Get Maimed. Don’t Think. Don’t Worry. Obey. Obey. Be a Hero! Nice Boys. Sit, Run, Growl, Kill. Jesus Loves You!
And, woe now on Muslims living in the West. The elites need their scapegoats! Things go so much more easily when there are scapegoats to avert the public’s attention. Bring the fascists on!
Think back too colonial America in Indian times. The natives fought back to keep their land. The colonialists, I am not shitting you, called the defense of the Indian’s homeland “terrorism” and retaliated with a genocide. The Indians did not have the means to attack London but if they had, I bet they would have done so. And the propaganda would have been that the Indians attacked because they hated the British because of their freedoms.
Maybe the virus of this successful original genocide and theft of land is still in our blood and thus our current efforts in the Middle East have a similar purpose. If successful, the West can give control of all Arab land to our puppet, Israel, and all that wealth will be under America’s control.
The West should move their militaries and spies out of the Middle East. When France withdrew its soldiers and ended its occupation of Muslim Algeria in the 1960s, terrorism in France ceased. It’s a winning strategy for the average citizen. Maybe not for the profit seekers.
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