Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Blood for oil: U.S. State Dept. calls Bahrain’s tyrannical monarchy a “close, valued partner,” thanks it for oil

 State Dept. speech in Bahrain exposes the unbelievable depth of hypocrisy of U.S. policy in the Middle East

“It is very good to be in Bahrain—a close, valued, and longstanding partner of the United States,” remarked Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Bahraini capital Manama on Oct. 31.
Although a “close” U.S. ally, Bahrain is a tyrannical monarchy. It brutally represses pro-democracy activists and imprisons peaceful political opponents. Amnesty International reports the Bahraini government has for years continued to “stifle and punish dissent and to curtail freedoms of expression, association, and assembly.” The human rights organization furthermore notes that Bahraini authorities maintain “a large degree of impunity amid continuing reports of torture of detainees and the use of excessive force against protesters.”

Human Rights Watch has documented the same widespread violations of human rights, and warned that “American silence on the subject” makes political change “less likely, to the detriment of Bahraini citizens, global norms against torture, and American credibility as an advocate of human rights.”
Mere days before Blinken’s address in Manama, under strong criticism from these leading rights groups, the Bahraini monarchy imprisoned prominent activist Zainab al-Khawaja for insulting the king. This is not the first time al-Khawaja has been imprisoned for her peaceful human rights work, and her father is serving life in prison for leading pro-democracy protests in 2011.
Nowhere in his almost 3,000-word speech did Blinken mention Bahrain’s egregious human rights record. The Secretary did, however, thank the monarchy for its oil.
“Our engagement today is grounded by our deep and enduring commitment to the Middle East and to its people. This region is home to some of our oldest and closest friends and allies,” Blinken explained. He continued: “The region’s oil supplies have powered industries and economies for generations since the Gulf prospectors first struck oil in Bahrain in 1931. And while we are now more energy sufficient, Middle East oil continues to drive the global market, and we remain determined to secure its supply.”
Here, the State Department admitted that U.S. support for tyrannical Gulf monarchies is rooted in access to oil. Gulf countries have some of Earth’s largest oil reserves and, given the small size of many of them, are among the world’s most oil-dense nations.
Elsewhere, the State Department has also insisted that the monarchy “plays a key role in regional security architecture and is a vital U.S. partner in defense initiatives. Bahrain hosts the U.S. Navy’s Fifth Fleet and participates in U.S.-led military coalitions.”
The U.K. sees the same strategic interest. Hours after Blinken’s presentation, the British government announced the beginning of the construction of its own Royal Navy base in Bahrain.
Yet these are by no means the only problems with what Blinken said. The Secretary’s speech in Manama further exposes the unbelievable depth of hypocrisy of U.S. policy in the Middle East.
“We’re expediting sophisticated military sales,” Blinken boasted in the disquisition, “including recently announced F-16 support to Bahrain; some of the most advanced ships in the world for Saudi Arabia to patrol the Gulf; air and missile defense systems to UAE, Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Kuwait.”
All six of these Gulf countries are repressive monarchies. In these U.S.-backed Gulf regimes, denizens face years in prison — or sometimes execution — for insulting the king, demanding democracy, or selling drugs. Many of these monarchies exploit 21st-century slave labor too.
Blinken furthermore affirmed support for “our Gulf partners” in their war on Yemen, which has left over 5,000 people dead since March. According to the U.N. and human rights organizations, these “Gulf partners,” led by Saudi Arabia, have carried outbrazen war crimes in Yemen, and are responsible for approximately two-thirds of civilian casualties.
Days before Blinken’s speech, the Saudi-led coalition bombed a Doctors Without Borders hospital in Yemen to rubble. The State Department’s response to the attack was tepid at best.


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