Saturday, 28 November 2015

BBC writer Thom Phipps advocates the murder of Julian Assange – Update

Original Post published 11th December 2014 @22:00 and can be found archived here:
Public executions exist in Saudia Arabia, as do police death squads in Kenya. Public executions and death squads are part of this country’s past too. Most of us are happy to keep such barbaric behaviours squarely in the past and through history many have given their lives for the recognition of human rights and the improvement of the human condition. Presumption of Innocence, Rule of Law, Protection of Life and Freedom we all value and take for granted.
You would not therefore expect the British Broadcasting Corporation to employ Mr Phipps in writing a comedy about Julian Assange when the former has publicly advocated for the public extrajudicial assassination of the latter.
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This is shocking, wrong, dangerous.
Julian Assange’s health is deteriorating due to his current living conditions, unable to enjoy his political asylum due to the British Government’s decision to not recognise Ecuador granting him this. Instead, the UK government has spent more than £8 million in surveilling him and the operation of WikiLeaks as well as Ecuador’s Ambassadorial business conducted on the premises. The Metropolitan Police attempted a raid on the embassy in the summer 2012 which was halted at the very last minute and they ‘guard’ Assange 24/7 since then. Anti-Terrorist units SS10 SS20 have also been reportedly employed in the operation.
That the BBC would find it tasteful to make a comedy out of the situation is incredible. That they choose to spend our public money by paying Mr Phipps’ fees in penning what can only be a character assassination against Julian Assange is unacceptable.
Is the BBC unaware of the government’s latest Terrorism panacea ‘Prevent’ that states:
‘Extremist propaganda is too widely available, particularly online, and has a direct impact on radicalising individuals. The poisonous messages of extremists must not be allowed to drown out the voices of the moderate majority.’
So why would they employ a person with exactly such extreme views to pen a ‘comedy’ called ‘Asylum’ inspired by the story of Julian Assange?
Further statements by Mr Phipps express pleasure in the crucifixion of the WikiLeaks Editor:
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Do they forget? Character Assassination is supposed to be a metaphor.


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