Friday, 16 October 2015

US Tank Smashes Its Way Into Bombed Hospital, Destroying Evidence

Tank Was Carrying 'Investigators,' Officials Claim

by Jason Ditz,
The White House made clear yesterday that they oppose any independent investigation of the recent US attack on a Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, and the Pentagon seems to be doubling down, ensuring that there’s not much evidence left for any independent investigators when they get through.
Doctors Without Borders today reported they were informed that theUS smashed into the wreckage of the hospital with a tank, forcing their way in and destroying potential evidence that would be used in a war crimes investigation.
US officials claimed that the tank was “carrying investigators” from the official military inquiry into the matter, though they likely could’ve gotten into the hospital, closed after the attack, without using a tank if they’d simply asked Doctors Without Borders to let them in.
The latest incident emerged amid reports that the Pentagon not only knew the facilitywas a protected hospital when they ordered it attacked, but that military analysts are continuing to argue that the attack was “justified” based on speculation a Pakistani spy may have been within.


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