Wednesday, 14 October 2015

'US exporting revolutions to assert imperialism'

Catherine Shakdam is a political analyst, writer and commentator for the Middle East with a special focus on radical movements and Yemen. Her writings have been published in world-renowned publications such as Foreign Policy Journal, Mintpress News, the Guardian, Your Middle East, Middle East Monitor, Middle East Eye, Open Democracy, Eurasia Review and many more. A regular pundit on RT, she has also contributed her analyses to Etejah TV, IRIB radio, Press TV and NewsMax TV. Director of Programs at the Shafaqna Institute for Middle Eastern Studies and consultant for Anderson Consulting, her research and work on Yemen were used by the UN Security Council in relation to Yemen looted funds in 2015.

While the world continues to associate terror with the rise of Al-Qaeda and its infamous brand of Wahhabi-inspired fanaticism, could it not be that those outfits are but the expression of a very American grand policy of destabilization?
Many people are under the impression that unrest in the Middle East is somewhat of a political constant, and this lends itself to the idea that this region of the world simply cannot, and does not understand the delicacies of diplomacy and peace building.
However, the truth is that most of today's crises in the region can be traced back to the corridors of the White House.
Although it would be unfair to pin all the blame on the United States, it remains nevertheless true that if not for America's military interventionism, the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) and the rest of the world for that matter, might have found itself standing on very different political legs indeed. ISIL, for example, the brain-child of Saudi Arabia's Wahhabist clergy, could never have raised its ugly head.
If not for America's political engineering and western capitals' silence, death and destruction would not have befallen the MENA the way it did. Hundreds of thousands of men and women would not have had to flee their homes, and their lands, if not for America's global ambitions.
As US President Barack Obama so eloquently put it in his address to the UN General Assembly on September 28: "We see the fears of ordinary people being exploited through appeals to sectarianism, or tribalism, or racism, or anti-Semitism."
Yes indeed, Mr. President! The seeds of such evil were actually planted by one of your compatriots, the founding father of covert destabilization: Zbigniew Brzezinski, the senior US foreign policy strategist.
And yet America has not been called into question; its war games it appears have not yet reached such Machiavellian proportions that the public cannot help but finally see through the smoking mirrors.
As America's hawks continue to spill their poisons, arming and financing so-called "democratic revolutions" across the MENA, terror, violence and radicalism have gained exponential ground. From Libya to Lebanon, Yemen, Egypt, Tunisia and Bahrain, the same narrative of hate and division has dominated; as if invisible hands were pulling strings, angling countries and people to follow pre-determined political formats.
Ever since the CIA tried its hand at regime change back in 1953 in Iran against Mohammed Mossadegh, the US has not looked back once; instead, it has pushed for more control, more behind-the-curtains manipulations as its officials worked to create a world order they could claim control over.
Today, this thirst for control has been compounded in this grand shadow foreign policy apparatus, you might also know as US-funded NGOs.
The National Endowment for Democracy for example, a central part of former US President Ronald Reagan’s propaganda war against the Soviet Union three decades ago, has evolved into a $100 million US government-financed slush fund that generally supports a neocon agenda - often at cross-purposes with the Obama administration’s foreign policy.

NED's most infamous, and recent footprint can be found in Ukraine, where it invested heavily in propping up neo-Nazi militants to depose former President Viktor Yanukovich, who Washington felt was too independent for its liking.
In the Middle East, America has utilized the likes of USAID and NED in Lebanon, Yemen and Bahrain to help drive a narrative of division, and thus offset calls for popular mobilization against foreign meddling. God forbid if Arab nations should actually show the ambition to raise cohesive nation states! God forbid if the MENA could actually be allowed to forge ahead under its own steam, without the overbearing diktat of America and its democratic fallacies!
Joaquim Flores, a political analyst with the Center for Syncretic Studies noted the following: “While most NGO's are used to some extent to fulfill those charity/education/aid aims, and secondarily fulfill the common practice NGO needs (let's be real) of money laundering, racketeering, funds for political elections, bribes and so on they are also used to funnel or channel these funds and resources into other areas. These other areas are chiefly both radicalization through promotion of Wahhabism and moreover the direct funding of terrorist organizations connected to Saudi intelligence projects such as Al-Qaeda and its various rebranding such as ISIL.”
In Yemen, America's game of NGOs has taken an even more sinister turn as many aid agencies were forced to profile their outreach program to better play into their patrons’ political visions, thus leaving entire segments of the population to starve on account of their religious affiliation.
The perfect covert agents, NGOs have served as CIA sleeping cells. It is such networks which have propelled certain "personalities" into the public eye, offering them platforms which otherwise would have remained out of reach.
Take Tawakkul Karman for example, the self-proclaimed mother of Yemen's revolution, the glowing symbol of women empowerment before the diktat of radical Islam. Crowned the face of 2011 when she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize (one of three laureates) Western officials quickly glossed over the fact that this one activist, herself the president of an NGO: Women Journalists Without Chains, has long held links with Al Islah, Yemen's very own right-wing Islamic party.
Let us remember that Al Islah hosts within its ranks the infamous Muslim Brotherhood, a group even Saudi Arabia felt was “too radical”for its liking; a pan-Arab group Washington was only too keen to support in Egypt, to later on abandon to the promises of military rule instead. There as well NGOs played an important destabilizing role.
Karman, who shook hands with half the Western political hemisphere and benefited from America's financial largess, has been instrumental in fomenting sectarian hatred in her homeland, blasting the Houthi resistance for daring deny Riyadh's hegemonic ambitions.
"Brzezinski’s strategy has consisted of utilizing the CIA in place of the Pentagon, and creating instability and chaos to topple governments that defied Washington. As Russian President Putin recently noted, Brzezinski consciously worked to copy the rhetorical style and foreign policing messaging of the Soviet Union, and portray the United States, not as imperialist, but as ‘aiding revolutionaries’ who fought for ‘human rights,’” wrote Caleb Maupin for MintPress News earlier this October.
Brzezinski's policies of mass destabilization, his encouragements to arm reactionary religious zealots and other political sociopaths in view of expanding America's reach in the world have become standard US policy. And still, we are to believe Washington is hugging the moral high ground.
For a nation which proclaims its president, "the leader of the free world,” the US has done a great job at defeating budding democracies throughout the world - the Middle East of course stands testimony to Washington's madness.
America's logic has become so perverted that its officials have rationalized their alliance with radicals to assert US hegemony, or as they profess: democracy building. In an interview with RT in 2014, Noam Chomsky, one of the most prominent intellectuals of our time blasted the US for being “the world’s leading terror state.”
But here is where the US foreign policy monster could ironically turn against its own.
If the CIA has been able for the past decades to siphon public funds to finance shadow political structures overseas; can we not envision that it will now turn inwards and rise a shadow government capable of deposing American institutions altogether?
While NED's focus remains outwardly, what of the money it is now spending in Washington DC, funding those NGOs which pay those salaries of political operatives who, in turn, write American op-eds often from a neocon, interventionist perspective?
Is night setting on Lady Liberty?
The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.


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