Thursday, 29 October 2015

Rhetoric of Tony Abbott and Tony Blair is morally bereft

How is it a moral result that Lebanon takes something equivalent to a quarter of its population, while Australia congratulates itself for taking 12,000 people?

There's something about seeing a former prime minister attempting to defend or rehabilitate a legacy. Something about the relentless grinding out of well-rehearsed arguments in the hope that this time they will finally strike the audience, like some revelatory lightning bolt. But the result is so often perverse; every re-statement, every elaboration seems only to heighten the sense of parody, revealing anew why there's a legacy in need of rehabilitation.

It's a spectacle we've witnessed twice this week in the forms of Tony Blair and Tony Abbott. To be sure, there are differences. Blair's intervention took the form of an apology; Abbott's a kind of unapology. Blair is apparently pre-empting the impending result of an almost certainly damning inquiry; Abbott is tending to his fresh wounds for his own reasons, rather than because of some urgent external demand. But at bottom, both men carry an albatross: in Blair's case a catastrophic foreign policy blunder, and in Abbott's case a thoroughgoing political failure.

"I can say that I apologise for the fact that the intelligence we received was wrong," began Blair when asked – again – about his decision to invade Iraq. Immediately he revealed what sort of an apology this wasn't, apologising for the most passive thing imaginable: receiving something. "Sorry, MI6 stuffed up", is the most direct translation.
Illustration Andrew Dyson
Illustration Andrew Dyson
Elsewhere, he admitted to "mistakes in planning and, certainly, our mistake in our understanding of what would happen once you removed the regime". But even so, he remained resolutely unapologetic for "removing Saddam" on the basis that "today, in 2015, it is better that he's not there than that he is there". All of which raises the question: why, then, are you apologising?

These "mistakes" and "misunderstandings" are doing an awesome amount of heavy lifting here. To begin with, they're lifting the hundreds of thousands of bodies that belong to dead Iraqi civilians and, of course, coalition soldiers. They're also lifting the burden of IS (which Blair accepts is, at least in part, a creation of the Iraq invasion) and the increased regional influence of Iran. Frankly, it's a hell of a whoopsie. Too big, really, to explain how such a momentous decision was made on such inadequate intelligence, and certainly too big to explain how so much expert advice to the contrary was so gleefully ignored.

But a whoopsie it simply must be because it's the only way Blair can keep any semblance of his legacy intact. The alternative is to admit the more grotesque allegations against him: that he either lied or manipulated his way into a predictably disastrous war, sacrificing countless lives in the process (literally – we refuse to count them). So, to admit to certain well-intentioned mistakes, and apologise for the failures of other people, is really to change the subject. Blair's aim here is not to come clean, but to wash away the intractable moral questions that will forever plague him.

Abbott's Margaret Thatcher Lecture seems to present an opposite problem. In spruiking his asylum seekers policies to the world, he's not rehashing a losing argument, but perhaps his only winning one. And yet Abbott's speech, by taking those policies beyond the parochial outpost of Australia and thrusting them before Europe, seems only to have exposed their limitations.

"The only way to dissuade people seeking to come from afar is not to let them in," he declared as thousands fleeing the civil war in Syria flood into Europe. Anything less than turning boats around would make Europe "a facilitator rather than a deterrent" of people smuggling.

But there's a reason this argument, which is utterly mainstream in Australia, tends only to win fans like UKIP's Nigel Farage in Britain. What it offers is not a solution at all, but instead a determination to opt out of a solution. That much becomes clear when you think through the implications of Abbott's prescription.

European turnbacks could only mean millions of people piling up in places like Lebanon and Turkey. Indeed, the basis of Abbott's argument is that these people reach Europe via other countries to which they've already fled, and are therefore, by definition, economic migrants rather than refugees fleeing a war zone.

But unless Abbott wants to argue explicitly that the burden of the Syrian catastrophe must fall disproportionately on these countries, they remain just as sovereign as us, and can therefore assert a right to seal their own borders, too In fact, every nation can make a similar claim, leaving only one ultimate consequence: that those fleeing Syria are hemmed right back into the war zone they're fleeing.

That makes the ultimate mockery of any "deaths at sea" reasoning. But it also raises one of the most ignored questions in the asylum-seeker drama: why should the weight of refugee protection be carried by those nations least equipped to handle it? How is it a moral result that Lebanon takes something equivalent to a quarter of its population, while Australia congratulates itself for taking 12,000 people? How is it "heroic" (to borrow Farage's assessment) to advocate that instead of nations like ours doing something more proportionate, Europe simply lock its gates and let the human debris fall where it may?

The answer lies somewhere in Abbott's warning of a "tide of humanity surging through Europe and quite possibly changing it forever". Whether such numbers will change, say, Turkey in a similar way is unanswered and, it seems, irrelevant. And if that's so, we're left with the clear implication that only Europe (and, I suppose, Australia) is worthy of such preservation.

That's the kind of conclusion you tend to reach when your response is really to shift the problem elsewhere. And that kind of reasoning seems solid on an island like ours with a political culture that mostly ignores arcane matters like foreign affairs.

But it's also the kind of conclusion you reach when, deep down, the actual lives of people in far off lands barely feature in your moral calculus. And that way lies just about every transgression for which you'll never feel any need to apologise. Even, say, the most scantily justified war.

Waleed Aly is a Fairfax Media columnist and winner of the 2014 Walkley award for best columnist. He also lectures in politics at Monash University.

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