Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Tuggeranong Parkway cardboard sculptures get heads talking

Canberra Times reporter

The cardboard sculptures have caught the attention of Canberra drivers.
The cardboard sculptures have caught the attention of Canberra drivers. Photo: The Canberra Page/Facebook
Two new Canberra artworks have got heads talking after mysteriously appearing alongside the Tuggeranong Parkway on Monday.

The two sculptures, reminiscent of the iconic Easter Island stone heads but with a bitter twist, have caught the attention of drivers travelling between Hindmarsh Drive and Cotter Road.

The large heads appear to have been crafted from boxes used to house slabs of beer.

Two cardboard heads reminiscent of the iconic Easter Island stone heads have mysteriously appeared next to the Tuggeranong Parkway.
Two cardboard heads reminiscent of the iconic Easter Island stone heads have mysteriously appeared next to the Tuggeranong Parkway. Photo: The Canberra Page/Facebook
Like many of Canberra's public artworks they've also generated plenty of debate after pictures were posted by The Canberra Page on Facebook.
A number of Canberrans have taken to the social media site to praise the pop-up art, even elevating the cardboard heads above other ACT government-funded sculptures across Canberra including the phallic owl greeting travellers to Belconnen and the famous (or infamous) Skywhale.

One Canberran said the heads were "the first decent sculpture project in Canberra".
The sculptures bear a striking resemblance to the moai on Easter Island.
The sculptures bear a striking resemblance to the moai on Easter Island.
"I bet it didn't cost hundreds of thousands of [sic] tax payers dollars," the commentator wrote.

A number of people have described the heads as "awesome", while others have had a hearty chuckle at the sight. 
"Made me laugh out loud twice, on the way down and on the way back," another wrote.

Others were less than impressed, with a number of people describing the sculptures as an eyesore.
"It's ugly, get rid of them," one person wrote.

One driver feared the heads might hinder road safety.
"Not exactly my idea of brilliant," the person wrote.
"Saw them this morning, I actually think it's more of a distraction than anything else."

Read morehttp://www.canberratimes.com.au/act-news/canberra-life/tuggeranong-parkway-cardboard-sculptures-get-heads-talking-20150831-gjbfry.html#ixzz3kQlvxXqK 
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