Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Nazis Riot Again In Kiev To Force Resuming War

By Eric Zuesse

On Monday, August 31st, racist fascists (nazis) who hate Russians rioted in front of Ukraine’s parliament building to demand resumption of the unlimited bombing campaign against the breakaway former Ukrainian region, Donbass, which had voted 90%+ for the neutralist Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukovych, whose government these nazis had helped the U.S. to overthrow in February 2014. A rabidly anti-Russian government was installed in its stead, and these demonstrators want this government to violate the Minsk II accords that Ukraine had signed, and to return to full-scale war.

According to the report from Russian Television, “At least 10 special forces troops have been injured as a grenade exploded during clashes in front of the parliament in the Ukrainian capital.”

Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko, who won no votes from anyone in the breakaway Donbass former region of Ukraine, and who is widely hated there for bombing them, persistently asserts that he will ultimately succeed at retaking that region. He said on Saturday, August 29th, "I was elected by people to protect the integrity of Ukraine, and will do everything in my power to return the land to Ukraine.”

But his claim to be doing what the people of Ukraine want him to do on this is a lie. Here is the actual polling regarding the matter:

On 6-18 May 2015, the Ukrainian polling organization Sofia reported their poll of the Ukrainian public, as follows:
The majority (61.8%) of respondents believe that the main thing is to stop the war, even if you have to give up the occupied territories. The share of those who favor the continuation of hostilities until complete liberation of the occupied territories was 22.9%. (15.3% could not answer.)
Almost half (45.2%) of respondents consider it possible to make certain concessions in the negotiations to end the war in Donbass and normalize relations with the Russian Federation. Meanwhile, 38.6% of respondents are of the opinion that concessions must not be made. (16.2% could not answer.)'

Poroshenko is doing this because Barack Obama, the man who installed the present regime in Ukraine, during a violent February 2014 coup, wants Poroshenko to continue bombing that area.

Furthermore, in the U.S., not only congressional Republicans but congressional Democrats, and the entire U.S. aristocracy, are united in this demand to slaughter the residents in Donbass. The pro-regime Kyiv Post headlined on August 29th, “Daschle: Obama should visit, US should supply arms to Ukraine,” and reported that the lobbyist, and former Democratic Majority Leader in the U.S. Senate, Tom Daschle, was urging: “supplying Ukraine with $3 billion in military aid, including a mix of lethal and non-lethal weapons, a step thus far opposed by Obama as potentially prompting Russia to escalate its war against Ukraine. … Daschle thinks a $3 billion package of lethal and non-lethal assistance, touted by the Atlantic Council and Brookings Institution, is the way to go.” In other words: If the earlier bombings weren’t enough, America’s aristocracy have organized a PR campaign to do it more. As I headlined on 3 February 2015, “Brookings Wants More Villages Firebombed in Ukraine’s ‘Anti Terrorist Operation’.”

I reported on 30 August 2015, that, "U.S. Publicly Splits v. EU on Ukraine War.” EU leaders do not want yet another invasion of Donbass by Ukraine, but Obama now clearly does want it; and Poroshenko is doing what Obama says. Thus, for example, on August 27th,"Obama’s Ukrainian Forces Break Minsk Agreement: Resume Invasion."
France’s Francois Hollande, and Germany’s Angela Merkel, are again trying to stop Obama’s war in Ukraine. But Poroshenko is taking his instructions from Obama, not from anyone in the EU. And probably the EU will, too, as usual. Today’s nazi rioting has been organized to give more ‘democratic’ legitimacy to resuming the war.


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