Thursday, 10 September 2015

GOP ‘Revolt’ Delays Iran Deal Vote

Rep. Roskam Seeks to Block Vote Outright

by Jason Ditz,

With the Senate now having enough votes to block a resolution against the P5+1 nuclear deal with Iran, the Republican leadership was seeking a consolation prize with a vote in the House, even though without the Senate version it is meaningless. TheHouse vote was announced for 9/11, but now appears to be indefinitely postponed in the face of right-wing opposition.
The issue seems to stem from an “uprising” in the Freedom Caucus, which is demanding a whole set of bills against the deal, including one from Rep. Peter Roskam (R – IL) complaining that the White House didn’t submit the terms of any side deals between Iran and the IAEA, meaning that the review process wasn’t legally met.
The effort seems to be an attempt to extend the fight over the Iran deal beyond the 60-day review limit, which expires on September 17. There is no indication, however, that the White House even has access to confidential deals between Iran and the IAEA, meaning even if the “side deals” were vital to the review process, it’s a problem with the design of the process in the first place.
Rep. Roskam appears to believe that passing a resolution demanding these documents would put the 60-day review process in suspended animation, basically forever since they’re not going to get the documents. Other House leaders warn the more likely result is for the White House to simply consider the September 17 review deadline met, particularly since the Senate isn’t going to vote at all, and implement the deal.
That’s probably going to be the case, indeed, since the White House doesn’t have a lot of alternatives. The P5+1 deal is finalized, and there was never more than a very outside shot Congress would prevent US involvement. The deal is going to be implemented either way internationally and the US really has no excuse not to follow through with its promises.


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