Performance artist Stelarc grows an ear on his arm and connects it to the internet
Chloe Booker
A performance artist has had a human ear grown on his arm and plans to connect it to the internet so people around the world can hear whatever he does.
Perth-based professor Stelarc, who lived in Melbourne up until 18 months ago, conceived the idea almost 20 years ago as a piece of art.
"The possibilities of people anywhere being able to listen at anytime to what's going on, if I'm in Perth and you're in London or in New York or wherever I am, you'll be able to listen in to what my ear is hearing," he said.
Performance artist Stelarc shows off his new ear. Photo: Images courtesy of Channel Nine
"I think that's an interesting and somewhat disturbing possibility."
The Curtin University professor took a decade searching for a medical team to perform the two surgeries to grow the ear.
A London-based production company funded three US surgeons to perform the operations in Los Angeles as part of a Discovery U.S. television show called Medical Mavericks.
The team partly constructed the ear using biocompatible scaffolding commonly used in plastic surgery.
Once transplanted on his arm, Stelarc's cells were grown so it became a functioning and feeling part of his arm.
"After about six months the ear becomes literally part of my arm and it's grown its own blood supply," Stelarc said.
Stelarc wants people to be able to listen through the ear on his arm via the internet. Photo: Images courtesy of Channel Nine
Initially he hoped to have the ear on the side of his head, but it was unsafe to do so.
He is now looking for funding to complete the final stage of the 'Ear on Arm' project, which will connect the ear to the internet via a wireless miniature microphone so people can listen through a website.
First, the the ear will be lifted so it further protrudes from his arm and a an ear lobe will be grown from Stelarc's stem cells.
A microphone has previously been inserted as a test, but Stelarc developed an infection. He is positive the next time will be a success.
He said what sounds people will hear will range from the mundane to artistic expression.
This is not the first this the award-winning artist has played with the idea of extending the human body using technology.
Stelarc performance art has included using a third mechanical hand controlled by his body signals and inserting a sculpture into his stomach.
But is it art?
"Artists have always been interested in exploring new media and new technologies provide new possibilities," he said.
"The ear is not for me, it's for people in other places."
Stelarc said it could be a shock to look down at his arm and see an ear at times.
"It is interesting, because sometimes you're sitting at home and the light comes on and then you look down and there's an ear on your arm," he said.
"It's interesting, because, of course, you don't imagine you could speak into your ear or you don't imagine being about to literally hand your ear over to someone else to examine
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