Saturday, 1 August 2015

Open letter sent to Political Leaders on Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement

An Open Letter has been sent to Leaders New Zealand and  other countries involved in  negotiating the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement.
New Zealand politicians are among those who have endorsed the letter and includes Labour leader, Andrew Little, Winston Peters of NZ First, Russel Norman and Metiria Turei of the Green Party, Te Ururoa Flavell and Marama Fox of the Māori Party.
A number of other political leaders from other countries including Japan, Australia, Canada and Malaysia have also supported the letter.
The Open Letter expresses grave concern, “about the potential for the Government of the United States of America to apply the process known as ‘certification’ to the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement.”
According to those who penned the letter, in the past the United States has used Free Trade Agreement negotiations to influence law making in other countries.
It claims, “the US government has included a requirement to withhold implementation of that agreement until the other government has satisfied the US understanding of that country’s obligations under the agreement by changing it’s laws, regulations and procedures to satisfy the US demands.”
The letter calls upon the New Zealand Government to protect the sovereign law making of New Zealand and resists attempts by another TPP Party to influence drafting of laws prior to agreemenr coming into force.


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