Thursday, 2 July 2015

Waleed Aly hammers new immigration law on detention centres

Kate Aubusson

When it comes to pitching a segment for a TV audience, asking the question "how will this affect you?" is a safe bet. 

Better yet: "How will this threaten you and your children?" Without a salient link they'll switch off. 
Waleed Aly challenged his viewers to pay attention to immigration policy.
Waleed Aly challenged his viewers to pay attention to immigration policy. Photo: Simon Schluter
But on Wednesday night co-host of Network Ten's The Project Waleed Aly bluntly told his audience that the most pressing issue of the day posed no risk to them, and switching off was not an option. It was a very big part of the problem.

His target was the new Australian Border Force Act that could lead to doctors, teachers and other professionals being imprisoned for reporting child abuse in immigration detention centres.

Aly has gained a reputation for hauling unsavoury, politically volatile issues of national importance squarely in front of an audience that may otherwise catch only faint wisps of the whole story. 

A new law that seems to gag healthcare and humanitarian workers if they witness the abuse of asylum seeker children in immigration detention may be his best fit yet.

"In every state and territory in Australia, doctors, nurses and teachers are required by law to report cases of child abuse to protection authorities. 

"So imagine if the federal government passed a law that could send people to jail for reporting those very concerns," Aly said.

Imagine if it was your child experiencing physical or sexual abuse and the health and education staff responsible for their welfare were banned from reporting it.
"You would be outraged, we all would," he said.

"But there was no outrage, in fact it has barely been reported at all and that's because it's not your children."

The children affected are the 138 children in detention centres, 81 of whom are in the Nauru offshore facility.

Under the Australian Border Force Act, it is an offence for an entrusted person working in immigration detention to disclose information without the permission of the Department of Immigration and Border Protection. By doing so, that person risks two years' imprisonment. 

"That might be OK if that particular department didn't have a history of ignoring, denying and concealing reports of harm and neglect … and facing serious allegations of child abuse," Aly said. 

Aly condemned both major parties for co-operating to pass the act and proceeded to outline a litany of child abuse allegations that would not have been exposed if it weren't for unsanctioned disclosures, including self harm, neglect and and women who have chosen to have an abortion rather than give birth in detention.

"This law is not about stopping the boats, this law is not about protecting our borders - it can only be about one thing, and that's protecting our politicians," he said.
In an unprecedented show of defiance by immigration staff, 40 medical and humanitarian workers co-signed an open letter vowing to defy the law.

Aly's challenge to his audience: if those doctors, nurses and teachers risked jail time to report abuse, you can pay attention.

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