Tuesday, 30 June 2015

WikiLeaks: US, Saudis Planned to Topple Syria's Assad in 2012

By TeleSur

 Whistleblower Julian Assange implicated the United States – along with the Saudi Arabian government – in a plot to overthrow the Syrian government.

Saudi Arabia, the United States, France, and Britain were involved in a secret 2012 deal to overthrow Syrian President Bashar Assad, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said Sunday.

"Saudi has been one of the dogs of the United States in the Middle East on a leash, and you think the man is walking a dog, but sometimes, if it is a big dog, the dog starts pulling a man," Assange told Russia 1 TV.

Last week, Assange’s whistleblowing website WikiLeaks released a batch of more than 60,000 of what it said were classified Saudi diplomatic cables.

​The leak aimed to prove that Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey had a secret deal to topple Syria’s President Bashar Assad as far back as 2012.

Among the revelations contained in the files, believed to have been leaked by a group which calls itself the Yemen Cyber Army, are details about the country’s focus on its strategic rival, Iran, and the uprising in Egypt. The leaked files also contain details about Saudi Arabia’s allies and clients in Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen and other countries in the Middle East.

RELATED: Saudi Cables: We Have Ten Times More, Says Wikileaks

La nueva Televisión del Sur C.A. (TVSUR) RIF: G-20004500-0

This content was originally published by teleSUR at the following address:
http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/Wikileaks-US-Saudis-Planned-to-Topple-Syrias-Assad-in-2012-20150629-0011.html. If you intend to use it, please cite the source and provide a link to the original article. www.teleSURtv.net/english
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