Lazy, sneaky or both: what were you thinking, Prime Minister?
Amanda Vanstone Former Howard government minister
Sometimes reality is so shocking that we have to pinch ourselves to make sure we are in the real world. The current brouhaha over a recent federal cabinet meeting that dealt with a proposal to take citizenship from dual nationals by ministerial fiat has once more put me in pinch-me mode.
Tony Abbott is a constitutional monarchist and a self-confessed Anglophile, so for him to tolerate, let alone be at the helm of, a ship that throws the Westminster system of cabinet government out the window is simply astounding. The public will not long tolerate people who say one thing and do another.
Cabinet government demands policy change goes through a process whereby the arguments canvassing the pros and cons are clearly laid out in a cabinet paper prepared in the department concerned. It is circulated for comment to any other relevant departments. The theory is that the best views the Australian Public Service can offer and those of the minister proposing the change are circulated, so cabinet ministers can give them proper thought before the discussion.
In the Howard years, other than in exceptional circumstances where outside factors dictated the need to act quickly, there was almost always a cabinet paper. If it was not possible to do a paper in time for proper circulation, at the very least you would have to ask the PM for an "under the line matter". You would send a letter to the PM asking for a matter to be dealt with at the next cabinet meeting, explaining why it could not wait for a proper paper to be prepared, and canvass the relevant arguments. If he agreed, your letter would be circulated to ministers as advice that the matter was coming up for discussion.
What we've seen detailed in the media in recent days was not a minor policy issue escaping proper process, but a fundamental issue as to your and my liberty almost escaping any discussion at all.
One of the main reasons I am a Liberal is the commitment to individual rights, the belief that you and I can and should do things for ourselves, with the state only sticking its bigger and bigger beak into our lives when it is really needed. Labor seems to always think a committee of the self appointed and opinionated wise will know better than you and I how we ought to live our lives. No thanks. I'm for individual freedom ... to the max.
So you can imagine my profound disappointment, bordering on despair, when I see some on "my team" thinking it is OK for a minister alone to take away a citizen's rights – indeed, take away citizenship – in the blink of an eye. No appeal, no judicial process, just a ministerial decision. What were they thinking?
There's nothing new and therefore sudden about dealing with terrorism that justifies this suggestion not going through proper cabinet process. In fact the very seriousness of the threat terrorism poses and this suggested response demands a full discussion. Hoping to flick it through at the end of a cabinet meeting smacks of trying to get something difficult through without proper discussion. That's either lazy, sneaky or both.
It is unfortunate that this episode comes so soon after the Prime Minister had very clear warnings from the Liberal party room about making decisions without proper process. It has looked in the past as though the PM chooses to avoid proper process when he thinks his ideas will be opposed. Think paid parental leave, knights and dames, Prince Philip's knighthood. In other words, he believes in democracy, but only if he can have his way. A Prime Minister who has no respect for his cabinet colleagues in the end loses their respect.
Make no mistake: this is not about anyone being weak on terrorists. We are assured the policy will now have appropriate safeguards – thanks to those who were prepared to risk the PM's ire and stand up for our rights.
It reminds me of the scene in A Man for all Seasons when, as I recall, the idiot son-in-law Roper is encouraging Sir Thomas More to sign something that More says he cannot because it would be against the law to sign that in which he does not believe. More says the law is there like a thicket of trees to protect us. Roper confidently retorts that he would cut down every law in England to get at the devil. More's response is a gem. He asks, "And having cut down every law in England, what will you do when the devil turns on you?"
Are the cabinet ministers who were in favour of excluding the courts so stupid as to think the real enemies of democracy, the radical Islamists, would not set up innocent people in order to make a mockery of our system?
The suggestion that ministers alone should be able to, without appeal, take away anyone's rights shows a profound misunderstanding of the western democratic tradition. Thank heavens for those ministers who saw the problem and were prepared to stand up for basic principles; at least now our rights are protected. They can play Sir Thomas More. The other ministers get the son-in-law role.
Cutting down our democratic protections to get at the enemy is profoundly dumb. We end up doing the enemy's work for them, and from within!
None of us should worry that the cabinet had a tough discussion – that is the role of cabinet, to thrash everything out. It is the leaking of the discussion that is the issue.
During nearly a quarter of a century in Parliament I saw all types come and go. Leakers do it for their advantage. In some media reports in recent days, the question is being asked: "Has Malcolm Turnbull blotted his copybook with Abbott supporters and so ruled himself out of getting their votes should a spill ever eventuate?"
It is so clearly not in the interest of anyone who would prefer Malcolm as leader to leak the discussion, because it would undoubtedly hurt his future chances with some on the right of the Liberal Party. That he and others put principle first is to their credit, but not to their personal advantage.
So that leaves the proposition that the leaker is either someone determined to shore up Abbott up ... or determined to be the one that brings him down.
It's just a guess, but I reckon only a moron would think you could leak this to damage Malcolm without damaging the PM as well. So you can probably rule out an Abbott devotee as the leaker, unless they are a complete idiot.
That leaves someone who wants to kill off Malcolm so he can in turn kill off Tony. Hmmm.
Amanda Vanstone is a columnist with The Age and was minister for immigration in the Howard government.
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