Friday, 19 June 2015

Lawyer demands apology from PM over ‘absurd’ handling of citizenship debate

FORMER national security law watchdog Bret Walker SC has demanded an apology from Tony Abbott over the Prime Minister’s “absurd” handling of the citizenship debate.
Mr Walker’s demand came after Mr Abbott told Parliament the former watchdog had “changed his mind” in insisting dual nationals not be stripped of their Australian citizenship without a criminal trial and conviction, Fairfax Media reports.
Mr Walker, a top barrister, recommended last year that the government consider giving the Immigration Minister the power to strip dual nationals of their Australian citizenship where “it is in Australia’s national security or counterterrorism interests”.
The Government seized on the recommendation to support its plan to give Immigration Minister Peter Dutton the power to strip citizenship in terrorism cases without the need for a criminal trial.
But Mr Walker couched his recommendation as an extension of existing powers that require a person be convicted in a criminal trial first.
He said on Thursday it was “absurd” to suggest he meant the existing power should require a conviction but the extension should not, as Mr Abbott had done.
“Surely the Prime Minister doesn’t think that because I didn’t mention it, it didn’t apply,” he said.
“How ridiculous. His position is indefensible and he should apologise.”


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