Saturday, 21 March 2015

Save the Children staff removed from Nauru deserve an apology, CEO says

Natalie O'Brien

Nine Save the Children workers who were removed from Nauru amid now-debunked claims that they encouraged detainees to hurt themselves are suing the federal government.
The nine workers were ordered off the island after the Immigration Department received complaints about them.
But a government report issued on Friday exonerated the workers, prompting the chief executive of the organisation to say his staff deserved an immediate apology.
The workers were accused of encouraging self-harm among detainees on Nauru, as well as facilitating protests and making up allegations of assault - all claims that were found on Friday to be unsubstantiated.
Chief executive Paul Ronalds said the workers involved were some of the best social workers and teachers in Australia, but as a result of the Immigration Department's actions, some of them had left the organisation and others had been redeployed to different areas. 
He said they had launched legal action against the federal government. Immigration Minister Peter Dutton did not respond to requests for comment.
"We are delighted - but not surprised - they have been exonerated," he said on Saturday. "They are some of the most highly skilled, highly professional staff in Australia and an apology is warranted."
Mr Ronalds said that "some mud always sticks" so it was good to get the allegations cleared.
He also said the report, prepared by former integrity commissioner Philip Moss, provided "the most powerful evidence yet of the harm being done to children in detention".
Mr Moss was asked by former immigration minister Scott Morrison to conduct a review of sexual abuse in Australian's detention centre on Nauru last October, after Mr Morrison had removed the Save the Children staff on the advice of his department.
It had been claimed the staff had coached detainees to concoct stories to embarrass the Abbott government.
The review, which was released quietly on Friday, after news broke of the death of former prime minister Malcolm Fraser, found no evidence of any wrongdoing by the staff.
But it did find evidence of rape occurring in the Nauru centre, sexual assault of minors and guards trading marijuana for sexual favours from female detainees.
At least three women had been raped, the report found, but noted concerns that sexual assault was being under-reported because of a climate of fear and worry among victims about their future refugee status.
The new Immigration Minister, Mr Dutton, has said the government accepted all of the 19 recommendations of the review and said Nauru would work to solve the problems. He said they did not have a tolerance for illegal behaviour, in particular sexual assault.
Prime Minister Tony Abbott responded to questions about the review in a radio interview with 2GB saying, "Occasionally, I daresay, things happen, because in any institution you get things that occasionally aren't perfect."
His comments were criticised by Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young. "I find it appalling to have heard the Prime Minister's comments simply brushing aside these cases of assault and harassment," she said.
"Women being forced to strip and show their bodies for access to amenities, the trading of dope for sexual favours inside the centre and the inappropriate touching and abuse of children and yet our Prime Minister simply brushed it aside as something that goes on in our detention centres. Well it should not be going on, it should be stamped out and the women and children removed.
"It is the culture of secrecy that has allowed the abuse to breed."
Labor immigration spokesman Richard Marles said the government's timing of the release of the Moss review represented "an appalling low, even for this government" and that the government was more concerned about the potential for protest than about the sexual assault of minors.
"This is a government which has lost its moral compass," he said.
"We need for the government to give the people a sense of confidence that every person within these detention facilities are safe... and to ensure that we do not see sexual assault occurring within this facility.
"This report is difficult reading for any party which has been involved in the establishment of the facility in Nauru. But Labor is not standing here saying there's nothing to see here, which is effectively the stance of this government."


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