Friday, 23 January 2015

On The Cosy Benefits of Designer Long-Distance Remote-Control Warfare

Selling Permanent War


As sure as the death toll and the destruction of our wars are set to mount so, too, is the amount of media attention given to them set to diminish. After all, won’t the urban westerner be thoroughly put out by the depressing inconvenience of the whole thing by then. You find yourself unable to muster the energy even to thumb through your designer liberal newspaper in order to get to that piece on minimalist interiors – in the risk of catching a glimpse of some unsettling war-piece on the way. The knuckle drops on the surface of the steel and glass coffee table. A foot in a limited-edition basketball shoe buckled hopelessly between the table legs.
Appreciating the cosy benefits of designer long-distance remote-control warfare?
As the masters of war rally together in Europe to put the finishing touches to their desperate plan to fend off their imminent decline, they’ll be banking on a toxic mix of ingrained sanctimoniousness (an imperial throwback), fear, apathy and boredom among its populations to get that plan through under our noses. The media will be helping them out, of course.
From the voices of the traditional right, this will be pursued by the usual cry for security, accompanied by a championing of European/Western values (Freedom and Democracy, and so on), all of which couched in a thinly disguised racism and sense of moral superiority. (Again, imperial throwbacks.)
As for the designer rags of the new right (generally misconstrued as being left), they will essentially be selling us the same thing, only dressed up in a perverse distortion of progressive values. And, of course, all alongside the usual vapid pieces commenting on our designer life-styles.
What they won’t be telling us, however, is that this life-style is all just one cynical part of the cosy benefits of designer long-distance remote-control warfare.

Adam Warren is a journalist living in Paris.


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