Selfies: hardly the end of civilisation as we know it
Erin Cook
an early selfie? Vincent van Gogh, by Vincent van Gogh.
As the old saying goes, everyone's a critic. But now it seems we're all Greek mythology experts too. Suddenly every parent, colleague and newspaper columnist is recounting to us the tale of Narcissus, who after glimpsing his reflection in a pond, falls so deeply in love with it he is unable to leave – eventually perishing. I think the idea is meant to be that the pond is the front-facing camera on any smartphone and Narcissus is anyone born after 1985.
Most of the criticism towards selfies, and especially the young women who partake in them, comes from a place not of hate and distrust (I hope), but rather from confusion. And I understand this. Selfies were only just becoming a thing when I was in high school and even then it was awkwardly held digital cameras or bathroom mirror shots. We're all freaked out by babies playing on iPads. It's a whole new world and it's moving faster with each Apple Keynote.
The rejection by millennial girls and young women of mean-spirited criticism is multi-layered. They are aware that the concept is neither a fad nor new. Column inches have been dedicated to the downfall of young women, to the death rattle of women's liberation and to the creeping internalised-sexism of flaunting scantily clad limbs and puckered lips on social networks. Millennial women are the end of Western art, apparently, but Vincent Van Gogh, who spent years painting a huge number of portraits of himself, was a master of it.
His face, as interpreted by himself, is sold for millions upon millions of dollars and hangs in some of the most prestigious museums and galleries the world has to offer and people queue for hours to see it. So why is my Instagram a study in self-absorption while Van Gogh's collection is high art? Surely it can't be technique or oil paint, or the old Blue Poles explanation – well he just thought of it, OK! Because Andy Warhol's sizeable collection of self portraiture 140 years after Van Gogh included many proto-selfies that wouldn't look out of place as a Facebook profile picture or hanging from a wall at MOMA.
So while I'll stop short of trying to argue that selfies are in fact an art form, I do suspect much of the vitriolic backlash stems from a fear of who it is both in front of and behind the camera. Nobody has really thought to ask why we're spending so much time staring in to the pond that is our iPhones.
Selfies can be both fun and truly revolutionary. It's fun to take photos of ourselves, stick a filter on them and think of a gag caption before waiting for push notifications from friends remarking on how fun it looks and how cute my fringe is lately. We have immediate access to photos in a way that has never existed before. A "Kodak moment" is a punch line in '90s sitcoms, but the company filing for bankruptcy in 2012 made no impact on us, because now every moment is a selfie moment.
In Australia about one million people battle an eating disorder day in and day out. It's long been suggested that a huge step in dealing with this as a social problem is ending unrealistic representations of women in the media, whether it be in fashion or with our celebrities and public figures. This circular conversation has been going on for eternity, or at least since I read my first Girlfriend magazine in 1999. Apart from token changes – that is, the odd size 14 model in a fashion spread – there have been no concrete developments, nothing we can point to to say "Yes, one day it'll be better for our daughters at least".
So when technology gives us the opportunity to create our own diverse stories, to plug the gaps the old-media fails to acknowledge, it should be a cause for celebration, not derision. If we want to talk about realistic standards of beauty, girls no longer need to struggle to find a reflection of themselves and their friends and their sisters, because it is all right there in front of them. Every girl with her own Wi-Fi connection can become the content, can become a new standard of beauty that is more diverse and flexible than ever before.
Please get out of our face, we're trying to take a selfie.
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