Chutzpah Writ Large: Israel Will Allow Rebuilding of Gaza If It Turns A Big Enough Profit
A straight-faced New York Times has reported an agreement between Palestinian and U.N. officials to begin delivery of building materials into Gaza, but fails to mention a couple of key points: That the Israeli officials generously now allowing the start of reconstruction are of course the same thugs and killers who destroyed everything that now must be rebuilt, and that their construction industry stands to make millions - in addition to the millions already earned by arms makers - through a de facto security policy of preventing European or other non-Israeli reconstruction aid from entering Gaza. This travesty, and more realities of an Occupation that implicates all Israelis, from the E.U. website EurActiv.
“If you want aid materials to be permitted to enter, they will almost inevitably come from Israeli sources,” an EU official said. “When you get to negotiate with the Israelis, this is what happens."