Friday, 8 August 2014

Bush- Blair Legacy Continues As Small Religious Sect Is Being Butchered In Iraq

Small Religious Sect Is Being Butchered In Iraq And Now Faces Total Disaster

By Colin Campbell
  As the militant group called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) battles Iraqi government and Kurdish forces for supremacy of Iraq, the relatively tiny Yazidi community has been left stranded in a humanitarian crisis amid talk of "genocide" against them.
As many as 40,000 civilians, many of whom are Yazidi, are currently trapped on the barren top of Mount Sinjar, humanitarian agencies told The Washington Post on Tuesday. There, the civilians face a grim choice between engaging the ISIS army and starvation or dehydration if they remain.
"There are children dying on the mountain, on the roads," Marzio Babille, the Iraq representative for the United Nations Children’s Fund, told The Post. "There is no water, there is no vegetation; they are completely cut off and surrounded by Islamic State. It’s a disaster, a total disaster."
Prince Tahseen Said, "the world leader of the Yazidis," and other Yazidi leaders have been left begging for help from world leaders.
"I ask for aid and to lend a hand and help the people of Sinjar areas and its affiliates and villages and complexes which are home to the people of the Yazidi religion. I invite [you] to assume [your] humanitarian and nationalistic responsibilities towards them and help them in their plight and the difficult conditions in which they live today," Said wrote in an appeal to the region's leaders, as well as Europe, the U.N., and the U.S., according to The New Yorker.
In an impassioned speech Tuesday, Vian Dakheel, a Yazidi member of the Iraqi parliament, took things a step further. Collapsing in tears, she directly said her people were facing "genocide" and would be "butchered" unless ISIS were stopped.
"As we speak there is genocide taking place against the Yazidis," Dakheel said, according to Bloomberg News. "My people are being slaughtered!"



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